Pikmin Terrarium Collection – Re-ment

Pikmin Terrarium Collection by Re-ment

Company: Re-Ment

Release: 2023

Size: 10cm

Main distribution: Japan

Barcode: 4521121207773

Re-Ment makes various blind boxes with cute little items or scenes / terrariums of a multitude of IPs. This series is called Pikmin Terrarium Collection featuring Nintendo’s Pikmin. The set exists out of 6 different terrariums.

Pikmin Terrarium Collection by Re-ment - box

Each terrarium comes in a blind box. Each box depicts the whole set and it’ll be a surprise which one you get.

Pikmin Terrarium Collection by Re-ment - back of box

On the back are all the different terrariums you can get. 1. Pulled Out, 2. Carry, 3. Fight, 4. Resistant to fire, 5. Take a break at the waterside and 6. Leave the electricity.

Inside the box you’ll find your terrarium in pieces wrapped in plastic. It’s fairly straightforward to put it together.

I got 1/6.

1. Pulled Out

Pikmin Terrarium Collection by Re-ment - 1. Pulled Out

Pulled Out showcases Olimar pulling out a Red Pikmin. The Terrarium is boll shaped, with a cork on top, and sits on a wooden looking block with PIKMIN on the front. Inside is a piece of ground; brown dirt with grass on top, with a few plants sticking out. There’s a Red Pikmin sprout in the ground, and another which is being pulled by Olimar.
The branding is on the bottom of the wooden block and simply reads © Nintendo.

Re-ment has done many of these terrariums now, like Pokémon, Snoopy, Kirby, Rilakkuma and now Pikmin. I love the fact they are enclosed (helps with dust!) and that they are tiny scenes (love miniatures!). They do look cute on a shelf. That said I don’t like all terrarium scenes and am quite picky when it comes to these.

Pikmin is probably the most appropriate for the terrariums. Pikmin after all are tiny creatures, and any figures / merchandise I see of them I feel they are too big. I could literally picture them trapped in bottles! That said, the scenes in this collection don’t match being trapped in a bottle, but are rather scenes from the game, put in a bottle.

When I saw these I loved 1. Pulled Out. It’s the first thing you do in the Pikmin game and it matches so well. I love the stretched eyes / head too.

A screenshot of the Gamecube game Pikmin, showing Olimar pulling out the first Red Pikmin
© Nintendo

I love Pikmin and Pikmin 2 so the newer Pikmin forms I don’t care for, so I don’t like 2. Carry either. I feel 3. Fight and 4. Resistant to fire don’t match the scale correctly. The enemies feel too small / Pikmin too big, so I don’t like those. 5. Take a break at the waterside is cute, but the Red Pikmin wouldn’t look at the water like that. And finally 6. Leave the electricity is an ability from Pikmin 3, so again, not my favourite.

So I bought 1 only. And I think it’s the best one personally and love how it sits next to my Gamecube games.

Of course this is all personal preference, they all look great and are very detailed. Their quality and colouring is excellent.

If you like small, cute little scenes Re-Ment is something you may want to look into. If you like Pikmin this series is highly recommended!

Got any more details / information? Did I get something wrong? Do you own the same terrarium or the full set? Let me know in the comments below!

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