Size: 7.5cm
Main distribution: Worldwide
This is a keychain of Squall’s Gunblade of Final Fantasy VIII.
It comes in a grey gift box with a silver logo on it.

The keychain is a silver coloured model of Squall’s Gunblade, the iconic weapon of Final Fantasy VIII.

I couldn’t find anything else on this, there’s no brands or anything on it. It’s the same as the Final Fantasy X set.
I bought this online many years ago when I was about 11-14 years old. I was very much into Final Fantasy and any gaming merchandise, and just discovered the internet. It’s probably fake, but I still see these being sold today!
I never used it, as it was too pointy for my liking (as I carry keys in my pocket), so it remained in its box somewhere in a closet.
So while I’m sorting my collections and downsize this thing can go to a new home. This has now sold.
I still wanted to catalogue it here for everyone. Pictures are of the actual product and not stock photos.
Got any more details / information for me to add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same keychain? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!