Company: Pokémon Center
Release: 18 July 2015 ~ 3 February 2017
Size: 15cm (not including tail)
Main distribution: Japan and USA (at Pokémon Centers)
These little plushies are from the Kuttari line or くったりぬいぐるみ (Kuttari plush doll). Kuttari means “rest and relaxation”, and all the plush in this line are laying with either eyes open or closed. They are stackable, much like the Disney Tsum Tsums.
This line was announced at my birthday and came out 18 July 2015 in the Japanese Pokémon Centers. It was the first wave of these new Kuttari plush, and 6 more waves have come out since, creating 74 plush total. Unlike the old Kuttari or Kutta Kutta plush, they aren’t made from the same cloth as towels, but use the same soft fabric as other Pokémon Center plush. The series proved so popular that they were later re-released in September in the USA Pokémon Centers, called Kuttari Cutie.
Wave 1
Release: 18 July 2015 (JPN), 23 September 2015 (USA)

Wave 1 existed out of Pikachu, Raichu, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 12 different plush in this wave.
Interestingly the marketing picture also showed Pichu whom didn’t get released till Wave 4.
I got 1/12; the sleeping Pikachu plush.
Sleeping Pikachu (JPN)

This Pikachu has the iconic colours of the anime Pikachu and embroidered face features, with downward closed eyes and a “3” mouth.

It has a stuffed head and a little bit of stuffing in its paws. The tail is flat. It’s body is filled with little beans, making it floppy and “easy to stack”.

It has a little tush tag at its butt which is the standard Pokémon Center one with the Pokéball logo, Pokémon Center, year and the usual copyrights.

I have removed the hang tag as it was basically as long as the plush itself! It is a slim long tag featuring the Pokémon, in this case Pikachu, with its closed eyes as if sleeping. The back and inside has several Japanese logo’s and text on it.
Wave 2
Release: 15 August 2015 (JPN), November 2015 (USA)

Wave 2 existed out of Charmander, Slowpoke, Espeon, Umbreon, Mudkip and Espurr. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 12 different plush in this wave.
I got 0/12.
Wave 3
Release: 31 October 2015 (JPN), 27 January 2016 (USA)

Wave 3 existed out of Mew, Cyndaquil, Lucario, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 12 different plush in this wave.
I got 0/12.
Wave 4
Release: 19 March 2016 (JPN), 27 July 2016 (USA)

Wave 4 existed out of Pichu, Ampharos, Gardevoir, Piplup, Croagunk, Victini and Chespin. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 14 different plush in this wave.
I got 0/14.
Wave 5
Release: 18 June 2016 (JPN), 3 February 2017 (USA)

Wave 5 existed out of Vulpix, Marshtomp, Pachirisu, Lilligant, Minccino and Emolga. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 12 different plush in this wave.
I got 0/12.
Wave 6
Release: 16 July 2016 (JPN), 3 February 2017 (USA)

Wave 5 existed out of Growlithe, Cubone, Quagsire, Absol, Jirachi and Zorua. All Pokémon had an eyes open and closed (sleeping) variant, creating 12 different plush in this wave.
I got 0/12.
As a fan of sleeping Chu, I needed to add this to my collection of course. I managed to get one of a Pokémon Facebook group close to release for a decent price.
Despite a sleeping Pikachu, I’m a bit disappointed with it. These look adorable stacked, but a bit sad perhaps on their own. I was also surprised at how small they are.
I also really liked the old Kutta Kutta plush (I only ever owned 2 Snubbul which I have sold) and these are very different. I think they are also pretty easy to make as only the head would require some sculpting.
Still he is very cute and soft and floppy! I can see the appeal in them, but I think personally these Kuttari plush aren’t for me, and I only got the sleeping Pikachu to add to the sleeping Chu family. But I’m certain a lot of people do love these, as they are quite popular just like the Disney Tsum Tsums. There is something adorable in stacking I guess. Although perhaps it is just a fad?
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same plush? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!