Dragonball Z Action Figures – Dorda Toys

Dragonball Z Action Figures by Dorda Toys

Series: Dragonball Z

Company: Dorda Toys

Year: 1998

Size: 14 cm

Main distribution: America / Europe

Dorda Toys is a toy distributor from Los Angeles, United States of America. They do several products of official licensed characters, including Dragonball Z. Initially these released as Skateboard Figures, but they later got redistributed loose without their skateboards as Poseable Action Figures.

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Dragonball Z Flexible Super Guerriers – AB Groupe

Series: Dragon Ball Z

Company: AB Groupe (Re-released by KidzBiz and Irwin Toy)

Year: 1996, 2000

Size: +/- 9cm

Main distribution: Europe, America

These bendable figures also known as the “Flexible Super Guerriers” (Flexible Super Warriors) were made by the AB Groupe. AB Groupe (now Mediawan Thematics) is a French broadcasting group, and the distributor of the Dragon Ball merchandise for European and Canadian markets. They made the English dub for the Dragon Ball Z movies in the Netherlands (based of their French dub), with awkward changes like Piccolo being “Big Green” and the Saiyans “Space Warriors”. As terrible as that dub was, their toys were one of the first you could get in Europe. Here you’ll find the flexible figures of them. They made 8 different ones, 4 which later got re-releases under KidzBiz and Irwin Toy.

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Dragonball Z Full Color Battle – Bandai

Dragonball Z Full Color Battle by Bandai

Series: Dragon Ball Z

Company: Bandai

Year: 1993~1997

Size: 3~7cm / 2″

Main distribution: Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, America

Bandai released some of the first figures of Dragonball Z when the show started airing in Japan. This line was called “Full Color Battle” and 36 figures / sets were made. These were later re-released in Hong Kong, as well as by AB Groupe as “Super Guerriers” (Super Warriors), and then re-released again by Irwin Toy, bringing them to the West.

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Dragonball Z Mini Figures – Irwin Toy

Dragonball Z Mini Figures by Irwin Toy

Series: Dragon Ball Z

Company: Irwin Toy

Year: 1999-2000

Size: 1.8~4.3 cm / 1″

Main distribution: Europe, America

Irwin Toy was a Canadian distributor and manufacturer of toys. They started off by re-releasing Dragonball Z figures from other companies, like AB Groupe’s “Super Guerriers” (Super Warriors) or 2″ figures, bringing these toys to America. Later they made their own version, 1″ figures, using the exact same molds scaled in half. They made 96 different ones, released in 12 packs over 8 series. KidzBiz re-released some of these again.

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Dragonball Super Limit Breaker Series – Bandai

Dragonball Super Limit Breaker Series by Bandai Vegeta and Super Saiyan Vegeta

Series: Dragonball Z / Dragonball Super

Company: Bandai

Year: 2019+

Size: +/-30~33cm

Main distribution: Worldwide

With the success of Dragonball Super new Action Figures got released. Bandai created a new line called ‘Limit Breaker’ series with large 5 points of articulation Action Figures. They are being released in waves.

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Dragon Ball GT Collection: Your Heroes in 3D – DeAgostini

Dragon Ball GT Collection: Your Heroes in 3D by DeAgostini

Series: Dragonball GT

Company: DeAgostini

Year: 1996, 2001

Main distribution: Italy / Germany / French

Italian manufacturer DeAgostini released a set comprising of approximately 60 characters from Dragonball GT in 1996. In 2001 these gotten a re-release as the Atlas Editions, and also came to Germany and France. They came bundled with a magazine, and each month a new figure would be added to your collection.

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Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Series Action Figures – Bandai

Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Series Action Figures by Bandai Vegeta and Super Saiyan Vegeta

Series: Dragonball Z / Dragonball Super

Company: Bandai

Year: 2017+

Size: +/-18 cm

Main distribution: Worldwide

With the success of Dragonball Super new Action Figures got released. Bandai created a new line called ‘Dragon Stars’ series with various poseable / articulated Action Figures. They are being released in series, 23 series so far are out.

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Dragon Ball X One Piece Dream Fusion – Weekly Shōnen Jump 40th Anniversary – Bandai

Dragon Ball X One Piece Dream Fusion by Bandai

Series: Dragon Ball Z & One Piece (crossover)

Company: Bandai

Year: 2008

Size: 5~8.5cm

Main distribution: Japan

This is a very special collaboration between Dragon Ball Z and One Piece to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Weekly Shōnen Jump. It’s a line of small figures that came in blind boxes, called “Dream Fusion”.

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