Brand: Lotte
Release: 2023
Size: 7×5 cm
Main distribution: Japan
Barcode: 45205415
These are collectable wrappers that come with Pokémon Chewing Gum. This particular line is Soda Flavoured.
There are 7 different packaging designs; 2 of Pikachu, Eevee, Pachirisu, Dedenne, Morpeko and Chewtle.

Each pack has 5 gums, each with it’s own collectable wrapper.

There are 20 to collect. Each contains facts about Pokémon, to read/enjoy while chewing your gum. They are unnumbered. All of them are blue.
I got 9/20.

I like trying Japanese food items, especially if they come with something “extra”. I thought these came with stickers initially, but upon opening I realised they were just these little fact sheets wrappers.
I don’t really collect “flats” anymore, but these were cheap and fun to get. Not to mention actually tasted nice. I know there’s a large Pokémon Food collector base, and I love documenting niche things, so I decided to write these up for prosperity.
I had intended to try and get all 20, but the 1 store that stocked these in my area no longer has them, so this is likely all I get. I’m keeping the Gen 1 ones (Pikachu & Eevee) for now, but the rest is for sale if anyone is interested.
If you like Japanese or Pokémon themed food items, you might be interested in these.
If you’re more into other collectables, you’ll give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!