Series: Dragonball Z
Company: Bandai
Release: 2008
Size: 11 cm
Main distribution: Worldwide
Barcode: 3296580345304
These are action figures of Dragonball Z made by Bandai. They’re made of a soft plastic / vinyl hence the name ‘Soft Figures’. There are 14 different figures. I got 1.

The figures come in a blister pack. The top half is orange, and the bottom half is blue. At the top right corner is Super Saiyan 2 Goku about to do the instant transmission move with Perfect Cell, although Cell is not pictured.
On the back are all the figures listed. There are 14 in total; Super Saiyan Goku, Goku (Go gi), Super Saiyan Vegeta, Piccolo, Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Super Buu, Frieza (Final Form), Kid Buu, Frieza (Third Form), Perfect Cell, Super Saiyan Gohan, Super Saiyan Vegetto, Goku (plain gi) and Vegeta. They all come with a reference number.
Super Saiyan Vegeta – ref: 34533

The figure looks ok. Proportions are good and his face looks great. He has limited articulation in the waist and his arm can spin 360 degrees around the shoulder. The colours seem light, and due to the material almost translucent, especially in the skin. His upper half and pants are two different shades of blue. His hair is an odd muted gold colour. His upper half seems to be made out of skin colour, with the blue, white and gold painted on, whereas the bottom half appears to be made of a blue part, with the white painted on. This explains the difference in the blue.

On his back is in black a large CE marking, as well as a number 35280109 and CHINA.

Under his feet is the branding. In indented font his left foot reads ©B/S·T and under his right foot it reads BANDAI 2008.
I found these in 2020 in the B&M in UK for £4 (down from £10~12) . I had never seen them before. They looked cheap (and were!) and reminded me of the old Irwin Toy action figures, so I figured I’ll get one and bought my favourite; Vegeta.
Once opened I found to my surprise that it had 2008 on it. This explains the retro look to them! B&M usually has older stock in, stuff that didn’t sell elsewhere, which they sell for cheap, but I don’t think this has been sitting in their warehouse for 12 years. They seem to be selling around here recently, and I’ve seen reviews of them from 2018 onwards, so it’s more likely that Bandai re-released some old figures for the West to go along with Dragonball Super.
The toy is cheap looking, with limited articulation, odd painting and a slightly derpy look to them. But for a cheap toy it is actually pretty good. I can picture children playing with these and they’re not too expensive so you wouldn’t be too upset if they break. The soft vinyl can also handle a beating (considering all these guys do is fight).
I mostly bought this guy for nostalgia sake and he had a low price, and it was surprising to find an old toy new in the shop like this. That said, I probably wouldn’t buy more of these, except for maybe Super Saiyan Trunks or regular Vegeta if I see them for cheap. They remind me of my childhood, but great figures they are not.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!