Company: Tomy
Year: 1998
Size: 1m
Main distribution: Japan
These are Pocket Monster X’Mas Tree Lights by Tomy.
Two versions of these x’mas tree lights were made; Pikachu & Pichu and Pikachi & Togepi.
Pikachu & Pichu come in a white box with red and green edges.
Pikachu & Togepi come in a blue box with trees along the bottom.
Inside the box you’ll find the battery compartment with the lights and the figures loose to put on the lights.
The Pikachu figure is the same in both sets.
I got 1/2; Pikachu & Pichu.
Pikachu & Pichu
These lights come with 3 Pikachu and 3 Pichu.

The battery compartment has a cute image of Pikachu and Pichu, looking over their shoulder at you, while standing in the snow with a few trees in the background and snowflakes in the air.
It takes 2 C-type batteries 1.5V in the back. It opens easily by sliding the lid open.

The figures are fully 3D shaped.
Pikachu is sitting happily, with a wide open mouth, and has a fist in the air cheering. On the back of his head is the branding, which reads in raised font: © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J and along the bottom it reads in raised font: TOMY CHINA.
Pichu is also sitting happily, with a wide open mouth and its paws in the air. On the back of its head is the branding, which reads in raised font: © Nintendo · C · G · T · S · J. On its left ear it reads in raised font TOMY and on its right MADE IN CHINA.
There’s a hole in the top back of their head to plug them unto the lights.

When lit, the figures illuminate.
I found these in a vintage toy group (not Pokémon focussed) and manage to get them for cheap. The person I bought them off from said they had bought them as a kid in Woolworths in the UK (which is no longer in the UK since 2009). They claimed to have never put batteries in it, and merely had it hanging as decoration in their childhood bedroom. However, they could not confirm if it was still working as they did not have the batteries for it, so it was sold as seen. I managed to get it for very cheap because of this. I wouldn’t have gone for something like this usually, but I couldn’t leave it for that price.
The battery compartment does look minty clean, and I found it still working once I put batteries in it. However, the lights were dimmer the further you get away from the battery compartment, and they also started to flash. I’m not sure if they are supposed to, or if this is an issue with the cables.
The figures are also not alternating (previous owner must have put them on like this), but I’m not sure how to remove them without breaking them. They didn’t come on originally in packaging so I assume they can also come off again. Worse case they should also be able to be put on new lights.
Although I wouldn’t leave batteries in this, nor use in a x’mas tree (it’s rather short!) it’s nice hanging alongside a cabinet or shelf. I’m glad the figures aren’t x’massy so you can use it all year round. Only the battery compartment has a x’mas theme.
I find the figures cute and it’s nice to have such a unique piece or merchandise hanging in the game room.
If you like vintage Pokémon merchandise, or X’mas/Seasonal items, these are great and quite random. It’s tricky finding a working set though and can therefor be expensive.
If you like more regular figures or plush, you might want to pass.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these lights? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!