Series: Dragon Ball Z
Company: AB Groupe (Re-released by KidzBiz, Giochi Preziosi)
Year: 1996, 2000
Size: +/- 8 cm
Main distribution: Europe
These figurines, are the “Combat Super Guerriers” (Combat Super Warriors) or Fighting Duos, made by the AB Groupe. AB Groupe (now Mediawan Thematics) is a French broadcasting group, and the distributor of the Dragon Ball merchandise for European and Canadian markets. They made the English dub for the Dragon Ball Z movies in the Netherlands (based of their French dub), with awkward changes like Piccolo being “Big Green” and the Saiyans “Space Warriors”. As terrible as that dub was, their toys were one of the first you could get in Europe. Here you’ll find the Combat Super Guerriers or Fighting Duo’s. They made 6 different ones, which later got re-releases under KidzBiz and Giochi Preziosi.
Alongside their Action Figures, Super Guerriers Articule (Articulated Super Warriors), their Flexible Super Guerriers (Flexible Super Warriors) and their smaller figures Super Guerriers (Super Warriors), AB Groupe also made a set of fighting diorama’s, of 2 figures fighting each other.
6 Combat Super Guerriers were released in 1996. These came in boxlike packaging, with a clear front so you could see the battle clearly. The figures feel like their Super Guerriers, but are slightly bigger and attached to each other.
The battle scenes seem mostly inspired by Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (ドラゴンボールZ 復活のフュージョン!!悟空とベジータ Doragon Bōru Zetto Fukkatsu no Fyūjon!! Gokū to Bejīta, lit. Dragon Ball Z: The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Revival Fusion. As they made the dub for the movies, a lot of their merchandise involved movie characters.
I have 2/6 figure sets.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 1 – Janemba VS Super Saiyan Gogeta (halo)
This set features Janemba fighting Super Saiyan Gogeta (halo), although the actual scene displayed is not in the movie.
I do not have this set.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 2 – Turles VS Super Saiyan Goku (halo)
This set features Turles VS Super Saiyan Goku (halo). It’s an odd set as Turles never fights Super Saiyan Goku. He fights Goku in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (ドラゴンボールZ 地球まるごと超決戦 Doragon Bōru Zetto Chikyū Marugoto Chōkessen, lit. Dragon Ball Z: A Super Battle for the Whole Earth), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Super Battle in the World. And he fights Super Saiyan Gohan in Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans (ドラゴンボールZ 外伝 サイヤ人絶滅 計画 Doragon Bōru Zetto Gaiden Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku.
I do not have this set.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 3 – Gogeta (fat) VS Janemba
This set features a fat Gogeta getting punched by Janemba, similar to the following screenshot, although Gogeta isn’t squished as much.

I do not have this set.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 4 – Super Saiyan Goku (halo) VS Super Saiyan Vegeta (halo)

This set features Super Saiyan Goku (halo) fighting Super Saiyan Vegeta (halo). Again it’s an odd set as the two don’t fight when both dead, nor in the film Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. They’re also not battle damaged like in the film.
Goku can be seen yelling angrily and about to punch Vegeta, whereas Vegeta can also be seen angrily yelling and about to punch Goku. Both are standing, with 2 fists against each other (connected) and the other in the air. Goku wears his trademark orange gi whereas Vegeta is wearing his basic blue outfit from the Buu Saga.
The branding is on their backs, both Goku as well as Vegeta, and reads © 1989 B. S. / S. T. A.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 5 – Frieza VS Gohan (Great Saiyaman)
This set features Frieza getting punched by Gohan in his Great Saiyaman outfit, similar to the following screenshot.

I do not have this set.
Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 6 – Pikkon (halo) VS Goku (halo)

This set features Pikkon (halo) fighting Super Saiyan Goku (halo). Again it’s an odd set as Pikkon does not kick Super Saiyan Goku in full gear in the anime, and doesn’t fight Super Saiyan Goku in the film Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.
Pikkon can be seen kicking Goku, aiming for his face. Goku is leaning back, dodging it. The foot is connected to Goku.
The branding is on their backs, both Goku as well as Pikkon, and reads © 1989 B. S. / S. T. A.
KidzBiz The Legend is Here
The Legend is Here line had these figures in blister packs, calling them Fighting Duos or in German Zwei – Kämpfer (2 fighters). These are the ones I got. They only re-released 3 duos.

Series 1
Release date: 2000
This is a re-release of Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 4 – Super Saiyan Goku (halo) VS Super Saiyan Vegeta (halo).
Series 2
Release date: 2000
This is a re-release of Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 6 – Pikkon (halo) VS Goku (halo).
Series 3
Release date: 2000
This is a re-release of Combat Super Guerriers diorama No. 2 – Turles VS Super Saiyan Goku (halo).
I was a massive Dragonball fan at the time, and one of the first series I truly collected besides the Lion King. I spent all my pocket money on these, and harassed my family to go out to the bigger cities so I could buy these once I had saved up some.
My aunt would regularly drive me to Aachen just over the border in Germany. There was a large department store where on the top floor were some toys. Here I found lots of the KidzBiz figures.
This is also were I found these Combat Figures. It didn’t matter to me who or what it was, if it was Dragonball Z I bought it. I remember them being quite cheap at the time, so I bought all the figures they had at the time there. I recall being annoyed at them not having the third series so I had a “complete” set.
When I had to move, I sold a lot of my collection. I sold my Super Guerriers regrettably, and these were also up for sale. Luckily no one bought these, and I have managed to get most of the Super Guerriers that I had back now. I had stored all the things I was going to sell in a box, which was left behind at my parents. I only just got it back after a decade, and I was happy to find these still in there.
I learned since there are 6 sets, and that they are quite rare and expensive now! Gohan punching Frieza is probably my favourite, and I hope to own that one one day. But I won’t be hunting out for these to get all.
If you like European Dragonball Z merchandise, or small figures, or cool display diorama’s, you might like these.
If you prefer more detailed and less derpy or more accurate fights, you’ll want to give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!