Company: Meistermarken
Release date: 2005
Size: +/- 4.5cm
Main distribution: Germany
These are little figures of Die Maus.
I’m not sure if these could be collected at the bakery with certain products, or if they came out of chocolate eggs.
I do know there’s 5 different ones, and each came with its own leaflet. The back of the leaflet was the same for each one.
I have 2/5.
Maus (Mouse)
Maus is standing upright and neutral, with his right arm slightly on his belly, and his left arm casually next to his body. He has a neutral, smiling face. The branding is on his back, and reads in raised font: © I. S -M / WDR/WDR mgl / BSM.
WanderMaus (Wandering Mouse)
Maus is in a walking position, carrying a green backpack and wearing an explorer’s hat. He has a neutral, smiling face. The branding is on his back bottom, and reads in raised font: © S -M /WDR/ WDR mgl / BSM.
LehrerMaus (Teacher Mouse)
Maus mit Lampe (Mouse with lamp)
WeihnachtsMaus (Christmas Mouse)
As a kid I watched German television a lot as we lived closed to the border, and especially on dish picked up their channels. I always enjoyed Die Sendung mit der Maus (The show with the mouse) or simply Die Maus (The mouse). It’s an educational tv show for children, but I mostly remember the “mouse spots”, short animated segments in between of Die Maus, his blue elephant friend and yellow duck friend.
So seeing Die Maus merchandise always makes me nostalgic. I’m sure you can find it lots in Germany, but I rarely saw it in the Netherlands. I have a few small plush, but these are my first and only figures.
My mom found them on a market or charity shop, and gave them to me. It’s not too surprising she found them along the border I guess. But now they live with me in England, where no one has ever heard of Die Maus. Seeing these makes me nostalgic, and I’ve added them to my nostalgic childhood collection.
If you grew up with Die Maus, you’ll probably love these as much as I do, for nostalgic reasons.
If you’ve never heard of it, it’s just a weird looking orange mouse I guess, and likely a miss for you.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own these figures? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!