Company: Bluebird (UK), Mattel (USA), Irwin Toy (Canada)
Release date: 1992
Size: +/- 8cm
Main distribution: Europe / America
Mighty Max is a series of playsets with a horror theme, similar to Polly Pocket but aimed primarily at boys. Horror Heads are smaller compacts existing out of a head, a Mighty Max figure and an enemy.
Each set comes with a little comic story about Max’s adventure with this enemy. The back story, which is the same on all the sets, is as follows:
Max’s dad had left him his old baseball cap. Trouble was, this was no ordinary baseball cap…”Gotta look cool” Max thought as he tweaked the cap’s peak round to the side. “AAAARGH!” Suddenly, the world had gone weird and very unfriendly! The cap had changed color! Something very strange was going on! He’d been caught in the Doom Zone. Stumbling from one terrifying adventure to another with only cryptic clues to help him escape… he was all alone. He was scared. But he was MIGHTY MAX™, and he’d get back somehow!
The Horror Heads were released in 3 series, resulting in 16 sets. Horror in the palm of your hand!
I have 3/16.
The Mighty Max figures that came with the sets were random. There are 8 different ones, all with a different coloured cap. I have matched them with the colour of the cap Mighty Max has in its respective comic.
Series 1
Mighty Max against Robot Invader
Release date: 1992
Barcode: 074299102714
This Horror Head has a computer theme.

The set comes with 3 figures; Mighty Max (with a blue cap), Android and Master Brain. I only got Mighty Max.
Mighty Max has a blue cap, and two fists up high on both sides. He has a large head with large eyes, giving him a bit of a chibi look. He’s smiling.
The comic story goes as follows;
The Story so far: Mighty Max is on board Droid Invader, the alien Master Brain’s battle Android factory… On the first panel, an Android is coming for Mighty Max shouting “IN-TRU-DER! E-LIM-I-NATE!” Mighty Max says “Some sort of freaky factory…” and “Max trouble! Android attack!”. On the second panel Mighty Max whacks the Android with some found scrap metal while shouting “Need a hand, Brain Strain? Don’t lose your head, now!”. The Android’s head pops off. From the side of the panel Master Brain creeps in and says “Graaah! My Slavedroid is destroyed!” The next panel shows Master Brain looming over Mighty Max while speaking “You shall serve me in its place, humanoid!” Mighty Max throws the scrap metal to Master Brain and shouts “Stay ahead of this, Drain Brain!”. On the last panel Master Brain seems to be shortcutting and says “Cyberbrain inoperative… Dooomed… Zm3x111zt??” Mighty Max starts to become transparent and says “Mighty to the Max! …Uurgh! Re-boot time!”
Mighty Max Fights Nuke Ranger
Release date: 1992
Barcode: 074299102691

This Horror Head has a nuclear waste theme. The exterior has a skull look to it, with a gas mask and bulging blood-stained eyes.

On the back it reads in raised font: BLUEBIRD TOYS, © 1992 CHINA, PATENT PENDING and the Mighty Max logo.

The interior reveals the nuclear hideaway. The upright section shows a skeleton, whereas the floor section shows a lab with a nuclear reactor. The Hover Pod can be removed to fly around with, and Max can stand on it.

The set comes with 2 figures; Mighty Max (with a green cap), and Nuke Ranger. Nuke Ranger has a hinge in his waist. I am missing Mighty Max.
The comic story goes as follows;
The Story so far: Mighty Max is in the nuclear hideaway of mad Nuke Ranger, who’s determined to blow up the world… The first panel shows Nuke Ranger on the Hover Pod celebrating and says “When the reactor reaches critical, it’ll create an earth-destroying explosion!” Mighty Max is hiding in the corner thinking “This Nuke head’s having a mental meltdown!”. The second panel has Nuke Ranger continuing “I’ll atomize them!” Mighty Max, having found a skeleton, pushes it forward hiding behind it while thinking “Remind me not to try the food…”. On the third panel, Mighty Max pushes the skeleton at Nuke Ranger, while shouting pretending to be the skeleton “I have returned! Revenge shall be mine!”. Panicked, Nuke Ranger falls backwards off the Hover Pad into the nuclear reactor while shrieking “Aargh! You’re supposed to be dead!!”. The last panel shows an explosion in the background, while Mighty Max high-fives the skeleton and says “That’s put the lid on him! High fives, Bones!”. Mighty Max starts to become transparent and says “Uurghh!! Where to this time?”
Mighty Max versus Kronosaur
Release date: 1992
Barcode: 074299102769

This Horror Head has a prehistoric theme. The exterior looks like a dinosaur’s head, with ripped holes in it and some mechanical looking bits; the Kronosaur.

On the back it reads in raised font: The Mighty Max logo, BLUEBIRD TOYS, © 92 CHINA, PATENT PENDING.

The interior reveals the inside of the Kronosaur; a reptiloid time capsule. The upright section shows a ceiling of bugs, whereas the floor section shows mechanical area as well as a volcano and dino skeleton. There’s a place for Mighty Max to stand and a place for the Cave Man to stand.

The set comes with 4 figures; Mighty Max (with a pink cap), Cave Man, Big Steggy and a bonus figure. I only got Mighty Max.
Mighty Max has a pink cap, and two fists forward on both sides. He has a large head with large eyes, giving him a bit of a chibi look.
The set also has a colour variant, where the Kronosaur is red and Big Steggy green instead of red.
The comic story goes as follows;
The Story so far: Mighty Max is inside Kronosaur, the reptiloid time capsule of Cave Man and his pet Big Steggy… On the first panel, we see Cave Man swinging his club at Mighty Max shouting “NNNGGHH!” while Mighty Max dodges by falling backwards going “Whoah! Maybe we’ll go clubbing later, Trogman!” The second panel shows Mighty Max on the ground, with Big Steggy coming for him, as well as Cave Man from the other side. Cave Man shouts “Big Steggy… Eat!” and Mighty Max looking worried says “Oh oh! I’m on the menu at the dino diner!”. On the third panel, Mighty Max rolls over, tripping up Cave Man in the process, who falls towards Big Steggy. “So you want mashed Max? No way, Chimp Chops.” says Mighty Max. “Take a hike, flint head!” In the last panel Big Steggy is eating Cave Man, as Mighty Max tries to run away saying “Chew on that, Stegs!” Mighty Max starts to become transparent and says “Uuurggh!! I’m history!”
I had never really seen Mighty Max the tv show, read the comics, or had the toys. But I had heard of the “boys Polly Pocket” and seen images.
Visiting a local school who were having a toy car boot sale, I came across a bag of Mighty Max. I instantly recognised what it was, but was unable to tell if anything was complete or matching. Regardless, they only asked for a few pounds, so I bought it.
I found some Horror Heads, a Dread Head and a Shrunken Head.
It does look like I’m missing bits. Although I don’t intent to collect these or anything, I do love small playsets and it’s nice to have something a bit different in the toy box. If I come across more for cheap I’ll get them, but won’t actively hunt for them.
I do like the chibi look 1992 Mighty Max has.
If you like tiny things, little scenes and more horror-like playsets, Mighty Max is great for you.
If you like bigger or less grotesque toys, these won’t be for you.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any Mighty Max Horror Heads? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!