Company: Re-ment
Release: August 2017+
Size: 7 cm
Main distribution: Japan / Worldwide
Re-Ment makes various blind boxes with cute little items and / or scenes of a multitude of IPs. This series is called Terrarium Collection featuring Pokémon in a little terrarium inside a transparant Pokéball.
13 volumes have been released so far, creating 73 terrariums.
Volume 1
Release: August 2017

Volume 1 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu
2) Lapras
3) Snorlax
4) Bulbasau
5) Dragonair
6) Eevee
I have 1/6; #1 Pikachu.
#1 Pikachu

The diorama depicts a piece of ground with grass with a tree stump in the center. Pikachu can be placed on top.

It comes in 4 separate pieces; the ground, Pikachu and the 2 Pokéball parts.

The branding is on Pikachu’s tail. It reads in raised font: ©Nintendo/Pokémon.
Volume 2
Release: March 2018

Volume 2 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Togepi & Pikachu
2) Squirtle
3) Charizard
4) Psyduck & Poliwag
5) Sandshrew & Cubone
6) Articuno
I have 0/6.
EX Alola
Release: June 2018

EX Alola is a extra volume to celebrate Sun & Moon’s Alola. It exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Rowlett
2) Litten
3) Popplio
4) Mimikyu
5) Snowy (Lillie’s Alolan Vulpix)
6) Bewear
I have 0/6.
Volume 3
Release: July 2018

Volume 3 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Charmander
2) Zapdos
3) Cyndaquil
4) Misdreavus
5) Vaporeon
6) Celebi
I have 0/6.
Volume 4
Release: October 2018

Volume 4 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Gengar
2) Totodile
3) Moltres
4) Slowpoke & Shellder
5) Pikachu & Mareep
6) Umbreon
I have 0/6.
Release: December 2018

The DX release was a special, extra large release of a Pokéball, filled with a little scene of Pikachu.
I got 0/1.
Volume 5
Release: March 2019

Volume 5 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Pidgeotto
2) Ampharos
3) Suicune
4) Chicorita & Wooper
5) Espeon
6) Ponyta
I have 0/6.
Volume 6
Release: June 2019

Volume 6 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Bellosum
2) Entei
3) Mew
4) Wobbufet
5) Treecko
6) Magnemite
I have 0/6.
EX Alola 2
Release: June 2019

EX Alola 2 is another extra volume to celebrate Sun & Moon’s Alola and a follow up from EX Alola. It exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Cosmog
2) Rowlett
3) Alolan Vulpix
4) Tsareena
5) Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
6) Alolan Raichu
I have 0/6.
Volume 7
Release: October 2019

Volume 7 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Growlithe
2) Farfetch’d
3) Gardevoir
4) Raikou
5) Cleffa & Phanpy
6) Mewtwo
I have 0/6.
4 Seasons
Release: April 2020

4 Seasons is another extra volume to celebrate the seasons of the year. It exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Springtime (Sylveon)
2) Rainy Season Day (Pikachu & Froaky)
3) Summer Vacation (Wartortle & Sandygast)
4) Autumn Night (Lucario)
5) Carpet of Autumn Leaves (Vulpix)
6) Snow (Froslass)
I got 0/6.
Volume 8
Release: July 2020

Volume 8 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Furret
2) Clefairy
3) Mudkip & Lotad
4) Scizor
5) Flareon
6) Jirachi
I have 0/6.
EX Galar
Release: October 2020

EX Galar is another extra volume to celebrate Sword & Shield’s Galar region. It exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Yamper
2) Sobble
3) Scorbunny
4) Grookey
5) Eevee & Wooloo
6) Galar Ponyta
I got 0/6.
Volume 9
Release: January 2021

Volume 9 exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Pikachu & Pichu
2) Torchic
3) Clefairy & Meowth
4) Dragonite
5) Piplup
6) Luxray
I have 0/6.
In the Seasons
Release: June 2021

In the Seasons is another extra volume to show off the aesthetics of the seasons of the year. It exists out of 6 Pokéballs.
1) Whimsicott (Spring)
2) Pikachu & Mantyke (Summer)
3) Pumpkaboo & Mimikyu (Halloween)
4) Emolga (Autumn)
5) Glaceon (Winter)
6) Fennekin (Cherry Blossom)
I have 0/6.
I love the little sets Re-Ment comes out with. The Kirby and Pokémon themed ones are my favourites, but I’ve seen several others I’d enjoy too. The little scenes in cute cases are something I adore.
That said, I wasn’t really into these initially. Having multiple Pokémon in a Pokéball felt wrong to me. I didn’t get the scenes in a Pokéball either. But then I started to see them more as little scenes in a case, which is themed as a Pokéball, and I enjoyed them a lot more. It’s a weird mental thing I have haha.
I like Pikachu on a tree stump. I feels so natural. So when I saw it for cheap secondhand I snagged it up. It did came a bit scuffed, but the price was really good so I don’t mind too much.
I still have no burning need for these though. They are cute, but I guess not my thing? There’s some vintage Pokémon diorama’s I’d rather get still. I do like the DX one though. I might buy that one one day. We’ll see if I warm up to these.
If you like small, cute little scenes / figures Re-Ment is something you may want to look into. If you like cases / terrariums and Pokémon, I would recommend this line!
Got any more details / information? Did I get something wrong? Do you own the same figure or the full set? Let me know in the comments below!