Series: Dragonball Z / Dragonball Super
Company: Bandai
Year: 2017+
Size: +/-18 cm
Main distribution: Worldwide
With the success of Dragonball Super new Action Figures got released. Bandai created a new line called ‘Dragon Stars’ series with various poseable / articulated Action Figures. They are being released in series, 23 series so far are out.

The Dragon Stars Action Figures come in nice black boxes that can be re-opened and closed, meaning you can repackage your figure when done. The sides have nice artwork of the figure inside on it.

The back of the box displays some of the other figures, usually the figures from the same series.
The branding is underneath the character’s feet.

It reads in raised font on the right foot: ©B.S./S.,/T.A. #35855 B.19 CHINA and the CE logo is on the other foot. This is specifically for Series 15 SSJ Vegeta, so the numbers may be slightly different.
I’ll be listing mainly the general singles series here, as there are some exclusive colour variants that were only available at certain shops / times. I’ll also list the Power Up and Versus Packs as they contain some figures not (yet) released as singles, and they have sometimes different expressions.
There are currently 73 single figures out.
I got 5/73.
Series 1 – Shenron Series
Release date: 2017

Series 1 exist out of 3 figures; #1 Super Saiyan Goku, #2 Beerus and #3 Vegeta.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Shenron. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Shenron as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Shenron Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 2 – Shenron Series
Release date: 2017

Series 2 exist out of 3 figures; #4 Super Saiyan Vegeta, #5 Frieza and #6 Goku.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Shenron. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Shenron as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Shenron Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 3 – Fusion Series
Release date: 2018

Series 3 exist out of 3 figures; #1 Super Saiyan Future Trunks, #2 Super Saiyan Blue Goku and #3 Hit.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Fusion Zamasu. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Fusion Zamasu as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Fusion Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 4 – Fusion Series
Release date: 2018

Series 4 exist out of 3 figures; #4 Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, #5 Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black and #6 Zamasu.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Fusion Zamasu. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Fusion Zamasu as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Fusion Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 5 – Kale Series
Release date: 2018

Series 5 exist out of 3 figures; #1 Jiren, #2 Super Saiyan Cabba and #3 Super Saiyan Blue Vegito.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Super Saiyan Kale. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Super Saiyan Kale as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Kale Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 6 – Kale Series
Release date: 2018

Series 6 exist out of 3 figures; #4 Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10 Goku, #5 Mystic Gohan and #6 Golden Frieza.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Super Saiyan Kale. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Super Saiyan Kale as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Kale Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 7 – Broly Series
Release date: 2019

Series 7 exist out of 3 figures; #1 Vegeta, #2 Super Saiyan Gohan and #3 Ultra Instinct Goku.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Super Saiyan Broly. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Super Saiyan Broly as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Broly Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 8 – Broly Series
Release date: 2019

Series 8 exist out of 3 figures; #4 Vegito, #5 Future Trunks and #6 Goku Black.
Each figure of this series came with a part of Super Saiyan Broly. Having all figures and therefor all parts would build Super Saiyan Broly as an extra figure. Hence the series is also referred to as the ‘Broly Series’.

I got 0/3.
Series 9
Release date: 2019

Series 9 exist out of 3 figures; Piccolo, Frieza 1st Form and Super Saiyan 4 Goku.
The series now focusses purely on the main figures and no bonus parts / figures are included anymore.
I got 0/3.
Series 10
Release date: 2019

Series 10 exist out of 3 figures; Android 17, Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Cell Final Form.
I got 0/3.
Series 11
Release date: 2019

Series 11 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta and Majin Buu Final Form.
I got 0/3.
Series 12
Release date: 2019

Series 12 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, Super Saiyan Broly (Dragonball Super Version) and Android 18.
I got 0/3.
Series 13
Release date: 2019

Series 13 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta and Piccolo (Caped Version).
I got 0/3.
Series 14
Release date: 2020

Series 14 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, Krillin and Super Saiyan Gohan.
I got 0/3.
Series 15
Release date: 2020

Series 15 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan Gogeta, Super Saiyan Vegeta and Ultra Instinct Goku -Sign-.
I got 1/3; Super Saiyan Vegeta.
Super Saiyan Vegeta
Barcode: 3296580367696
The figure has a “New Version” sticker on the box, probably to differentiate it from Series 2 Super Saiyan Vegeta. It does appear to be a new sculpt with better articulation than his older version from 3 years ago.

The figure is quite nice looking. The head especially looks spot on, and even has a little angry vein popping on his forehead. His hair has a slight shimmer to it.

He comes with an extra pair of interchangeable hands, so you can swap them for open hands and fists or a combination of.

The figure has 14 different points of articulation; in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

Vegeta is wearing his trademark battle armour from the Android Saga to Cell Games Saga.

Despite all the articulation I still had some trouble posing him exactly how I’d like, finding most limitation on the shoulders and hips.

The joints also remain very visible.

It also would have been nice if there were heads which were interchangeable like the hands, so you have different expressions and or forms.

However, I had a lot of fun posing him as is and they are a cheap alternative for the S.H. Figuarts figures. More parts would make them more expensive, and you’ll have more parts on the sides as left over.

Series 16
Release date: 2020

Series 16 exist out of 3 figures; Cooler Final Form, Bardock and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.
I got 0/3.
Series 17
Release date: 2020

Series 17 exist out of 3 figures; Goku, Vegeta and Gotenks.
I got 1/3; Vegeta.
Barcode: 3296580367757
This figure is the same as Super Saiyan Vegeta from series 15, but he does have a different headsculpt and paintjob.

The figure is quite nice looking. The new head is again spot on, giving Vegeta a little smirk.

He comes with an extra pair of interchangeable hands, so you can swap them for open hands and fists or a combination of.

The figure has 14 different points of articulation; in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

Vegeta is wearing his trademark battle armour from the Android Saga to Cell Games Saga. It is darker coloured than the Super Saiyan variant from series 15. I’m guessing the idea is the Super Saiyan glow makes it lighter.

As with his Super Saiyan counterpart, despite all the articulation I still had some trouble posing him exactly how I’d like, finding most limitation on the shoulders and hips.

The joints also remain very visible.

It also would have been nice if there were heads which were interchangeable like the hands, so you have different expressions and or forms.

However, I had a lot of fun posing him as is and they are a cheap alternative for the S.H. Figuarts figures. More parts would make them more expensive, and you’ll have more parts on the sides as left over.
Series 18
Release date: 2020

Series 18 exist out of 3 figures; Janemba, Super Saiyan Bardock and Super Saiyan Vegito.
I got 0/3.
Series 19
Release date: 2021

Series 19 exist out of 4 figures; Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Broly (Dragonball Super version), Muten Roshi and Gogeta (Dragonball Super version). At this point the series number dropped, and Gogeta released later so it’s not on the box of the others.
I got 0/4.
Series 20
Release date: 2022

Series 20 exist out of 4 figures; Nappa, Vegeta, Beerus (new version) and Frieza 4th form (new version). Again the number version is gone, and Beerus and Frieza released later.
I got 1/4; Vegeta.
Barcode: 3701405812270
This time Vegeta is from the Saiyan Saga, wearing his traditional Saiyan armour and red scouter. He has a new headsculpt again.

The figure is quite nice looking. The new head is again spot on, giving Vegeta a little scowl. The red scouter is a nice touch.

He comes with an extra pair of interchangeable hands, so you can swap them for open hands and fists or a combination of.

The figure has 14 different points of articulation; in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

Vegeta is wearing his trademark classic Saiyan armour from the Saiyan Saga. He’s also wearing his red scouter. And has his tail curled around his waist.

As with his other counterparts, despite all the articulation I still had some trouble posing him exactly how I’d like, finding most limitation on the shoulders and hips. The joints also remain very visible.

It also would have been nice if there were heads which were interchangeable like the hands, so you have different expressions and or forms. However, I had a lot of fun posing him as is and they are a cheap alternative for the S.H. Figuarts figures. More parts would make them more expensive, and you’ll have more parts on the sides as left over.
Series 21
Release date: 2023

Series 21 exist out of 7 figures; Goku (Super Hero version), Piccolo (Super Hero version), Gamma 1 (super Hero version), Vegeta (Super Hero version), Ultimate Gohan (Super Hero version), Gamma 2 (Super Hero version) and Son Gohan Beast (Super Hero version). Again the number version is gone, and the series released in waves.
I got 1/7; Vegeta.
Vegeta (Super Hero version)
Barcode: 3296580407231
This Vegeta is from the movie Dragonball Super Super Hero. He has a new sculpt again, and slightly different proportions. His head is smaller than the other Vegeta.

The figure is nice looking. Once again the new head is spot on, giving Vegeta a serious and grumpy face.

He comes with an extra pair of interchangeable hands, so you can swap them for open hands and fists or a combination of.

The figure has 14 different points of articulation; in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

Vegeta is wearing his trademark blue gi like he wears in the Tournament~Kid Buu Saga. It’s the same outfit he wears in the movie Dragonball Super Super Hero.

As with his other counterparts, despite all the articulation I still had some trouble posing him exactly how I’d like, finding most limitation on the shoulders and hips. The joints also remain very visible.

It also would have been nice if there were heads which were interchangeable like the hands, so you have different expressions and or forms. However, I had a lot of fun posing him as is and they are a cheap alternative for the S.H. Figuarts figures. More parts would make them more expensive, and you’ll have more parts on the sides as left over.
Series 22
Release date: 2023

Series 22 exist out of 1 figure; Super Yi-Shinron.
A Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Power Pack is released alongside it however.
I got 0/1.
Series 23
Release date: 2023

Series 23 exist out of 3 figures; Super Saiyan 2 Goku, Majin Vegeta and Super Buu.
A Super Saiyan Gotenks Power Pack is released alongside Super Buu too.
I got 1/3; Majin Vegeta.
Majin Vegeta
Barcode: 3296580407316
This Vegeta is from the Babidi~Majin Buu Saga.

He is wearing his trademark blue gi from that era, and is Super Saiyan with a ]V[ majin symbol on his forehead.

The figure is quite nice looking. The head feels a bit the same as Series 15 Super Saiyan Vegeta though, and the neutral expression doesn’t suit the chaotic Majin Vegeta. He does have angry veins on his forehead and some more detail in his hair. His hair has a slight shimmer to it too.

He comes with an extra pair of interchangeable hands, so you can swap them for open hands and fists or a combination of.

He also comes with his trademark Final Impact attack hand.

The figure has 14 different points of articulation; in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

Despite all the articulation I still had some trouble posing him exactly how I’d like, finding most limitation on the shoulders and especially the hips.

The joints also remain very visible.

It also would have been nice if there were heads which were interchangeable like the hands, so you have different expressions and or forms.

However, I had a lot of fun posing him as is and they are a cheap alternative for the S.H. Figuarts figures. More parts would make them more expensive, and you’ll have more parts on the sides as left over.

Power Packs
Power Packs are also released, which are mostly re-releases of previous figures, but with different facial expressions, with Ki and Power Blasts accessories.
Release date: 2022
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (series 11), Super Saiyan Goku (series 13), Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black (series 4), Super Saiyan Vegeta (series 15) and Super Saiyan Vegito (series 18).
I got 0/5.
Release date: 2023
Super Saiyan Gotenks and Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta (series 14).
I got 0/2.
Versus Packs
Versus Packs are also released, which are mostly re-releases of previous figures but with different facial expressions, bundled together.
Release date: 2022
Super Saiyan Broly VS Super Saiyan Goku (battled damaged), Janemba (series 18) VS Super Saiyan Gogeta (series 15), and Super Saiyan Future Trunks (series 3) VS Fusion Zamasu (series 3).
I got 0/6.
Release date: 2023
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku (series 19) VS Golden Frieza (series 6) and Piccolo (Super Hero version) (series 21) VS Gamma 2 (Super Hero version) (series 21).
I got 0/4.
When I first saw these figures back in 2017, I wasn’t that fussed. I’m not a huge fan of Dragonball Super, and the figures looked a bit off to me, with joints very visable.
But when I saw Series 15 Super Saiyan Vegeta for sale in Smyths in the UK in 2020, I decided to treat myself. He looked much better from what I remembered them looking like in 2017, and it was so long since I had bought a new Vegeta Action Figure. It kinda felt nostalgic. I also love the box packaging, as I don’t have to ruin / break the entire thing to get the figure. And I figured I should have at least one of this series.
I was actually pleasantly surprised with this figure. Yes the joints are very visible, and his gaping hips especially I’m disliking, but I still had a lot of fun with him. I love my old Irwin Action Figures, but this one had a lot more articulation which made for some fun photo’s.
Although they feel a bit cheap and plastic, and obviously can’t compare to the SH Figuarts in terms of options and articulation, these are a great cheaper alternative for them. I may buy a couple more of my favourite characters.
I have no interest in buying them all though. But Series 11 and 14 Gohan look quite cool. Series 9 Frieza, Series 11 Kid Buu, Series 16 Cooler, Series 18 Janemba, Series 20 Nappa and Frieza, Series 22 Super Yi-Shinron and Series 23 Super Buu make for some cool baddies which I’m lacking as well. Series 19 Roshi is also quite a cool and unique figure.
Of course after Super Saiyan Vegeta I had to get Vegeta (Series 17) as well! And now I’m just going for all DBZ Vegeta. So when Vegeta (Series 20) came out I got him as well. I found Vegeta (Series 21) quickly after too. And finally Majin Vegeta (Series 23). Maybe I’ll look for Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta at some point too…
If you like poseable action figures but can’t afford the S.H. Figuarts or vintage prices, these are quite good. Especially the later series I think.
If you prefer more precision or higher quality, you may want to opt for the S.H. Figuarts instead.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!