Set: Pokémon Kids (ポケモンキッズ)
Company: Bandai
Year: October 1996+
Size: +/- 4~5.5 cm
Main distribution: Japan, Europe, Australia, United States, UK
Pokémon Kids are a line of figures that are hollow. In Japan, these can be bought boxed in singles, and come with a card and candy. Outside Japan, these are marketed as “finger puppets” and come in 6 or 4 packs. The line is still running today and each Pokémon has gotten a Kid figure, some even more in several poses. There are also shiny (Japan only) and clear variants (up to 2008), as well as an Attack line (Pokémon posed doing Attacks). Some special sets have also been released.
I’m not going to list all the figures as there are way too many, but I’ll list the few I have.
New Pokémon Kids 1
Release: 1997

Figures come in a white Gameboy style box with Ivysaur on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.

This Caterpie kid figure has Caterpie standing upright. Its branding is on its back and reads © 任天堂 / C / G BANDAI 1997 CHINA.
New Pokémon Kids 2
Release: 1997

Figures come in a white Gameboy style box with Snorlax on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.

This Clefable kid figure has Clefable standing in a cheering pose, with its right foot forward and arms in the air. Its branding is on the back of its head, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1997 CHINA.
New Pokémon Kids 4
Release: August 1998

Figures come in a red / green / yellow Gameboy style box with Hitmonchan on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.


This Pikachu kid figure has Pikachu playful laying on his back. Its branding is on its back along the bottom of the figure, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1998 CHINA.
This Pikachu was also re-released in December 2001 in Gold / Silver packaging under “The Pokémon Kids ザ・ポケモンキッズ”, a best-of selection from previous released figures.
New Pokémon Kids 5
Release: November 1998

Figures come in a yellow / black Gameboy style box with Gyarados on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.


This Omastar kid figure is standing neutral, with his tentacles in the air. Its branding is on its back on the shell, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1998 CHINA.
Pokémon Anime Kids
Release: 1998

Figures come in a blue / green / yellow / red / purple box with a Pokéball, Pikachu and Togepi on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.


This Pikachu kid figure has a smaller Pikachu on its head. It’s based on the anime episode 039 Pikachu’s Goodbye (ピカチュウのもり Forest of Pikachu), which aired 16 April 1998 (20 November 1998 in the West).

Its branding is on its back on his bum, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1998 CHINA.

This Jigglypuff kid figure is holding a microphone / sharpy and is singing. It’s based on the anime episodes where Jigglypuff sings and the cast falls asleep, which upsets it and so it’ll scribble over them in vengeance. This occurs from anime episode 045 The Song of Jigglypuff (うたって!プリン!Sing! Purin!), which aired 21 May 1998 (20 February 1999 in the West) all the way to the end of the original series as it keeps following the main party.

Its branding is on its back on the lower area, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1998 CHINA.
Pokémon Anime Kids Part 2
Release: 1999

Figures come in a blue / green / yellow / red / purple box with a Pokéball and the 3 Legendary Birds, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres on the front. The top showed all the figures in the series.

Pikachu (Sparky / Leon / レオン)

This Pikachu kid figure is based on Richie’s Sparky / Hiroshi’s Leon, recognisable by the little tuft of hair on its head. It’s Ash’s / Satoshi’s rival’s Pikachu. It debuted in the anime episode 078 A Friend in Deed (ライバルとうじょう!A Rival Enters!), which aired 7 January 1999 (20 November 1999 in the West), and had several appearances since. The pose seems based on Episode 079 Friend and Foe alike (セキエイスタジアム!VSヒロシ! Sekiei Stadium! VS Hiroshi!) where Ash’s Charizard refuses to fight Sparky.

Its branding is on its back on his bum, and reads © 任天堂 · C · G · T · S · J BANDAI 1999 CHINA.
Pokémon Kids Advance
Release: December 2002

Figures come in a yellow box with a Pokédex and Pikachu on the front. The top and back showed all the figures in the series.

This Mudkip kid figure stands stoically. Gen 3 is often referred to as the Advance generation and this line was probably used to promote the next gen which came out the following March in 2003. Its branding is on the back of its head, and reads © Nintendo · CR · GF · TK · SP · JK © Pokémon BANDAI 2002 CHINA.
Pokemon Kids Diamond & Pearl
Release: November 2006

Figures come in a colourful box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed. Each figure also comes with a sticker with its stats.
This line was used to promote Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, both the video games as well as the anime series.

This Chimchar kid figure looks ready to attack, or in a “super hero landing” pose, with his right paw on the ground and his left on his back. Its branding is on the back of its head, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon BANDAI 2006 CHINA.

This Kricketot kid figure stands neutral. Its branding is on its back, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon BANDAI 2006 CHINA.

This Roserade kid figure stands defensive, with its arms crossed in front of itself, and eyes closed. Its branding is on its back, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon B. 2006 CHINA.
Attack Pose Pokémon Kids 3
Release: April 2006
Figures come in a red / blue / white / black box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front. It also listed the Attack the figure was doing. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed.

Sandshrew – Defense Curl

This Sandshrew kid figure is doing the move Defense Curl (まるくなる Curl Up), and is rolled up in a ball, with its front paws covering its muzzle. Its branding is along the bottom on the back and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon BANDAI 2005 CHINA.
Attack Pose Pokémon Kids 6
Release: March 2007
Figures come in a red / black / white box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front. It also listed the Attack the figure was doing. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed.

Ditto – Transform

This Ditto kid figure is doing the attack Transform, and looks like a Pikachu – a Dittochu! It’s loosely based on the Ditto from the anime episode 37 Ditto’s Mysterious Mansion (メタモンとものまねむすめ Metamon and the Copycat Girl), in which Ditto can’t fully transform yet and keeps its facial features. Its branding is on its back along the bottom and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon BANDAI 2006 CHINA.
Pokemon Kids Adventure Friends
Release: July 2008

This is a limited edition set to celebrate the Diamond & Pearl series, and includes the Pokémon that travel with Ash / Satoshi in the anime. It comes in 2 parts, Set A (Red) that include the Pokémon that travel with Ash / Satoshi in the Kanto and Hoenn region, and Set B (Green) that include the Pokémon that travel with Ash / Satoshi in the Johto and Sinnoh region. The respective figures come in a red / green box with Ash / Satoshi and the respective Pokémon on the front.

This Squirtle kid figure is sitting in a relaxed pose, leaning casually backwards on its paws. It has a content smile on its face. Its branding is on its back on his shell, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon BANDAI 2005 CHINA.
Pokémon Kids Best Wishes: Dewott Edition
Release: June 2011

Figures come in a black / white box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front and top. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed.

This Victini kid figure is striking a victory pose.
Its branding is on the back of its ears, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon B. 2011 CHINA.
Pokémon Kids XY: Now Appearing! Hoopa Edition
ポケモンキッズXY おでまし! フーパ編
Release: July 2015

Figures come in a red / blue box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front and top. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed.

This Pikachu kid figure is holding a blue musical note and appears to be singing. It’s a promotional figure for Pokémon: Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad (ピカチュウとポケモンおんがくたい Pikachu and the Pokémon Band), which is the 27th Pikachu short and debuted alongside the 18th Pokémon movie Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (Japanese: ポケモン・ザ・ムービー XY 光輪の超魔神 フーパ Pokémon the Movie XY – The Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa). Its branding is on its back on his bum, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon B. 14 CHINA.
Gigantamax Pokémon Kids
「キョダイマックス ポケモンキッズ」
Release date: November 2020

Figures come in a purple cloudy box with the respective Pokémon inside on the front. The figures / boxes are extra big, which is shown on the top of the box comparing it with a standard Kid figure. On the back of the box is the rest of the line listed. Due to their size they are more expensive than regular Kid figures.
Pikachu – Gigantamax

This Pikachu kid figure is in his Gigantamax form. Besides being bigger, Pikachu looks more like his older, chunkier version. His tail is longer and white and has a red cloud swirling around it. Pikachu has a neutral happy expression on his face. The branding is on his back, left and right from his tail, and reads © Nintendo / Pokémon B. 2537820.
I was never a big fan of the Kids figures. They were odd looking, with flat bottoms and therefor often cut awkwardly.
The first few I got came in a lot, a pink Butterfree and Mudkip. Although not a fan of “shinies”, the pink Butterfree was in the anime and therefor I kind of liked it. It’s part of the DX Pokemon Kids Series 2 set, which came with Ash, Togepi, Mew and Poliwhirl. But it was cut flat at the bottom, and therefor had its wings clipped. I hated that. Because it was a shiny, it was well sought after, and so I sold it for about the same as I bought the entire lot for. I slightly regret it now, but still, it wasn’t my favourite figure or anything and it made me a little profit / free figures.
The Mudkip I still have. I’m not a fan of anything beyond Gen II, but this Mudkip looks so funny to me. I love his blank (‘___’) expression, and again, due to the flat bottom, he looks quite chunky with stomach between the legs. He’s just cute, so I’ve kept him. He’s also one of the first merchandise items made for him, so that’s cool.
The Dittochu I bought in a (different) lot as well. I hoped it was a Tomy, but it was the Kid figure. It’s still awesome though, as there wasn’t much Dittochu merchandise at the time. I think the other Pikachu may have come with this lot as well.
Pikachu is always cute. I love the anime one with the smaller Pikachu (before Pichu was a thing) and it’s a well loved episode. The laying Pikachu is such a unique pose for a Pikachu figure. The singing one stands next to my cd player. Again, they all have those odd, unnatural flat bottoms, but it does make them stand well.
Sparky was one of the few figures I did want, as there’s barely any merchandise of the tufted Pikachu. So when I bought a few Tomy figures of someone I added this kid figure as well to the lot to save on shipping.
Jigglypuff is one of the few I actively hunted for and bought! I have a collection of sleeping Pikachu, and having a singing Jigglypuff next to it I found funny and makes a great scene. As the kid figure was the only singing Jigglypuff I could find at the time, I bought it.
Omastar I got as a freebie gift after I bought a lot of Pokémon Canvas plush of someone on eBay. It was a nice surprise. I think he may have some sun damage on his shell, but overal he’s nice. He’s Gen I, so I don’t mind having him (especially for free!).
Victini I got randomly in a lot as well. I have nothing with him, so I sold him to a local collector.
I found a game shop with a box of Kid figures from Japan selling quite cheap. I spotted the chilling Squirtle I had been wanting (as my boyfriend calls me his little turtle, Squirtle is a bit special to me, and this pose is adorable). If you bought 3 you got a bit off as well, so I also picked up the cute curled up Sandshrew, and the Gigantamax Pikachu as Chunkychu is awesome.
I found a bag of 5 in a charity shop for a £1! So I of course nabbed it. It had Caterpie and Clefable in it, Gen I, so I’m keeping them for now. The other 3 are from Diamond & Pearl, so I’m selling those.
Looking more into these, there are a few more I’d like. There’s a Squirtle with sunglasses, a waving Charmander, nurse Chansey, black Jynx, Meowth with a guitar and several more Pikachu I’d like. The older retro ones are quite nice too.
Yes I have come around to liking them a bit more! Especially the anime ones. However, there’s still other collections I like to focus on first. But if I end up with some in a lot or find them cheap I’m not going to say no.
Luckily Kid figures seem to be quite cheap. Most standard ones sell for £1~2, so it’d be easy to collect. There are some shiny and clear variants that can go for lots though. And because every single Pokémon has a Kid figure, it’d be a cool way to get one of each Pokémon for those completionists out there.
If you like Pokémon figures but looking for something cheaper than the Tomy figures, these are a nice alternative.
If you want something of higher quality (and dislike weird bottoms like me!) you might give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!