Company: NECA / Valve
Release: 2012
Size: 7cm
Main distribution: Europe / America
Barcode: 634482708811
This is a Sentry Turret from the video game Portal 2 by Valve. NECA created collectable figures out of them, and made 4 blind box series.
The figures come in blind boxes, so it’s impossible to tell which one you’ll get.
Series 1 exists out of 20 figures, all Turrets, 10 open and 10 closed. I believe Series 2 is the same with different prints. Series 3 adds Cubes and Spheres. And Series 4 adds Rusted versions.
I only bought 1 one of these, and got the plain white closed Sentry Turret from Series 1.
Series 1 Blind Box

The box is quite plain, with the open white Sentry Turret on the front, proclaiming 1 in each box and 20 to collect. The side has some in-game humour on it.

The back lists all the different variants you can get. 10 different textures, and all come in an open and closed variant.

The figures come in 2 plastic halves that can be re-attached. This keeps the figures nice and makes re-packing easy.
Series 1 closed white Sentry Turret

The white closed Sentry Turret is plain white with a red eye. It stands on 3 legs and has a little antenna on top. Its sides are closed, with no weapons showing.
When these came out I thought they were cute. I didn’t like the fact that they were basically the same figure with a different texture though. I just wanted the plain white one from the video game.
The guy in the store opened it for me to make sure I got the one I wanted. Once confirmed it was the white one, I bought it and took it home.
When I got home and actually unpacked it, I was disappointed it didn’t open. I thought they were articulated, but there are just 2 different models of them. Oh well!
I had only played Portal and Portal 2 with friends (I didn’t own it myself) but enjoyed the puzzle mechanics and humour. The robots were cute in my opinion. So having a little robot figure was great.
It sat on display with my games for a while, but I wasn’t really in love with it.
So while I’m sorting my collections and downsize this little guy can go to a new home. I’ve since sold him to an ex-colleague of mine.
I still wanted to catalogue him here for everyone. Pictures are of the actual figure and not stock photos.
Got any more details / information for me to add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same figure? Or do you have the full set? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!