Set: Pokémon All Star Collection
Company: San-ei
Year: 2015+
Size: various (S, M and L)
Main distribution: Japan / Worldwide
Pokémon All Star Collection is a range of plush that aims to faithfully reproduce the appearance of Pokémon. They are made by San-ei, known for its stuffed animals as well as various licensed series, mostly Nintendo ones. They are released in waves, 15 so far, and are still being produced now. There are currently over 166 different plush in various sizes.
As each plush comes out, they get a number in the All Star Collection series.
Wave 1
Release: Oct, 2015

Wave 1 consists out of 15 Small Pokémon plush: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Oddish, Psyduck, Poliwag, Gengar, Eevee, Wobbuffet, Skitty, Altaria, Buneary, Lucario, Espurr, Dedenne and Goomy.
Wave 2
Release: Dec, 2015

Wave 2 added 4 more Small Pokémon plush: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Mew.
It also added a Medium size plush of wave 1’s Pikachu.
Wave 3
Release: May, 2016

Wave 3 consists out of another 15 Small Pokémon plush: Clefairy, Vulpix, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Ampharos, Marill, Ralts, Shinx, Zorua, Minccino, Vanillite, Litwick.
Wave 4
Release: Sep, 2016

Wave 4 adds another 15 Small Pokémon plush: Diglett, Meowth, Cubone, Dragonite, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Togepi, Misdreavus, Croagunk, Audino, Darumaka, Emolga, Axew, Greninja.
It also added 2 more Medium size plush; Eevee and Lucario from wave 1.
It also adds a Large size plush: Pikachu from wave 1.
Wave 5
Release: Feb, 2017

Wave 5 consists out of 8 Small Pokémon plush: Rowlett, Litten, Popplio, Bewear, Togedemaru, Mimikyu, Raichu (Alolan) and Vulpix (Alolan).
Wave 6
Release: May, 2017

Wave 6 consists out of 14 Small Pokémon plush: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Plusle, Minun, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini and Hoopa.
Wave 7
Release: Sep, 2017

Wave 7 consists out of 18 Small Pokémon plush: Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle, Raichu, Machop, Slowpoke, Lapras, Flaaffy, Wooper, Banette, Absol, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Budew, Drifloon, Sewaddle and Chandelure.
I got 3 of this wave; Charmeleon, Wartortle and Raichu.
#77 Charmeleon
Barcode: 4905330033871

Charmeleon stands at 20cm tall and is what San-ei considers a S (Small). His colours are spot on, with a dark red for his main body and a cream yellow for his belly. His face features are embroidered and his eyes are a beautiful blue in anime style.

His side profile shows the sculpt well and he looks just like Charmeleon does. He has thick white felt for nails.

The flame on the tip of his tail is red with yellow stitched on.

His tush tag is left on the base of his tail. It has in black the San-ei Pocket Monsters logo, as well as © Nintendo / Pokémon. The hang tag hangs off the tush tag and has a picture of Charmeleon on it in flat colours. In the corner is an orange triangle stating All Star Collection. The Pocket Monsters logo is below the image of Charmeleon. At the bottom is the number of the plush in the line, #77, the name リザード (Lizardo) / Charmeleon in Japanese, as well as the size (S).

The back of the tags has San-ei and the usual legal informations. Inside the tag is a warning label.
#78 Wartortle
Barcode: 4905330033888

Wartortle stands at 20cm tall and is what San-ei considers a S (Small). His colours are spot on, with a nice shade of blue for his main body, light blue for his ears and tail and a cream yellow for his belly, while his shell is a nice orange-brown with a light grey rim. His face features are embroidered and his eyes are a nice brown in anime style.

His side profile is ok but he could have been a bit chunkier for Wartortle. He has thick white felt for nails on his hands. The side shows the tail nicely, which is embroidered to give it Wartortle’s unique look.

His shell is stitched to give it the lines.

His tush tag is on the back of his left leg under his shell. It has in black the San-ei Pocket Monsters logo, as well as © Nintendo / Pokémon. The hang tag hangs off the tush tag and has a picture of Wartortle on it in flat colours. In the corner is an orange triangle stating All Star Collection. The Pocket Monsters logo is below the image of Wartortle. At the bottom is the number of the plush in the line, #78, the name カメール (Kameil) / Wartortle in Japanese, as well as the size (S).

The back of the tags has San-ei and the usual legal informations. Inside the tag is a warning label.
#79 Raichu
Barcode: 4905330033895

Raichu stands about 20cm tall and is what San-ei considers a S (Small). His colours are spot on, with a nice orange for his main body, white for his belly and grey tips on his limbs and ears. His face features are embroidered.

His side profile is ok but he could have been a bit chubbier for me like old Raichu. I guess he’s modelled after the newer slimmer Raichu. He has thick glued felt for his ear curls.

The brown part of the tail is not stuffed. It has a weird angle going on due to it being pinned to the body by 3 points.

His tush tag is on the left side of his bum. It has in black the San-ei Pocket Monsters logo, as well as © Nintendo / Pokémon. The hang tag hangs off the tush tag and has a picture of Raichu on it in flat colours. In the corner is an orange triangle stating All Star Collection. The Pocket Monsters logo is below the image of Raichu. At the bottom is the number of the plush in the line, #79, the name ライチュウ / Raichu in Japanese, as well as the size (S).

The back of the tags has San-ei and the usual legal informations. Inside the tag is a warning label.
Wave 8
Release: June, 2018

Wave 8 consists out of 12 Small Pokémon plush: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Growlithe, Magikarp, Dratini, Azumarill, Teddiursa, Gulpin, Pachirisu, Petilil and Swirlix.
Wave 9
Release: Oct, 2018

Wave 9 adds 12 Small Pokémon plush: Sandshrew, Magnemite, Chansey, Ditto, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Corsula, Phanpy, Mawile, Garchomp and Lilligant.
It also adds 3 more Medium size Pokémon plush: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle from wave 2.
Wave 10
Release: Dec, 2018

Wave 10 consists out of 5 Small Pokémon plush: Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon.
Wave 11
Release: June, 2019

Wave 11 adds 8 Small Pokémon plush: Butterfree, Abra, Staryu, Mareep, Bellossum, Spinda, Munchlax and Zeraora.
It also adds 2 more Medium sized plush: Snorlax and Mewtwo from wave 3.
Wave 12
Release: Nov, 2019

Wave 12 consists out of 13 Small Pokémon plush: Caterpie, Geodude, Gyarados, Dragonair, Smoochum, Elekid, Lugia, Ho-oh, Whismur, Sableye, Blissey, Whimsicott and Joltik.
Wave 13
Release: April, 2020

Wave 13 consists out of 5 Small Pokémon plush: Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Wooloo and Alcremie.
Wave 14
Release: Sep, 2020 (TBC)

Wave 14 consists out of 11 Small Pokémon plush: Yamper, Toxel, Toxtricity, Hatenna, Milcery, Pincurchin, Snon, Morpeko (full belly mode), Morpeko (hangry mode), Meowth (Galar) and Corsula (Galar).
Wave 15
Release: Nov, 2020 (TBC)

Wave 15 consists out of 11 Small Pokémon plush: Pikachu (female), Eevee (new standing design), Horsea, Mr. Mime, Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, Sentret, Flygon, Riolu and Steenee.
I loved these as they came out. They look so well done. But they are quite expensive to import over. As time passed I noticed some specialised shops in the West started to carry these. When Raichu and Charmeleon came out, I had to have them. I found them online for a nice price, and grabbed Wartortle as well in the bundle.
They are so soft! Surprisingly so. I find Charmeleon in particular spot on. He doesn’t have many plush and none look as good as this one. Raichu is fairly standard (or maybe I just have a lot of Raichu in a similar pose) but great. He seems to have 2 small holes where his grey stripes are stitched on his back, like a factory error, but it’s hardly noticeable. I love the colours used on Wartortle, but he is a bit too thin for my liking, and the stitching on the bottom of his face is a bit tight, making him look a bit wrinkly. Still I love these!
I don’t think all of these look that great though, and I definitely would not attempt in getting them all. I do like the look of Poliwag, Squirtle, Dratini, Sandshrew, Jolteon, Caterpie, Geodude, Dragonair and Horsea. But none of these Pokémon are particular a huge want. Who knows, I might get them when I see them for cheap.
The quality of these is amazing and what you expect from San-ei.
If you like high quality, soft, on model plush of Pokémon, these are highly recommended!
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own plush of this line? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!