Series: Dragon Ball / Dragonball Z / Dragonball GT / Dragonball Kai / Dragonball Super / Dr. Slump
Company: Banpresto
Year: 2010-2017
Size: cm
Main distribution: Japan
Banpresto Figure Colosseum (BFC) is a sculpting hall of fame line of figures that are made by various artists in Japan. It is a sculpting figure competition that started in 2010, resulting in a battle royal of the strongest sculptors, and the winners get their figure produced. In 2017 it had matured in Japan and moved worldwide, changing the name to Banpresto World Figure Colosseum (BWFC) with sculptors from all over the world. Figures of Dragonball and One Piece were made in the BFC, but here I’ll only show the Dragonball BFC figures. The figures could only be won in Japan as a prize (think crane games or Ichiban Kuji).
Each year a new line of BFC figures is produced.
I only have 1 figure of these; Dragonball’s Young Goku from the Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 2 line.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai

– Goku. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: October 2011.
– Super Saiyan Gohan (Great Saiyaman). Sculptor: Suzuki Satoshi. Release date: October 2011.
– Vegeta. Sculptor: Nakagawa Hiromi. Release date: 17 November 2011.
– Android #20. Sculptor: Oonishi Kouji. Release date: November 2011.
– Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Sculptor: Iwakura Keiji. Release date: 13 December 2011.
– Perfect Cell. Sculptor: Saitou Heel. Release date: December 2011.
– Piccolo. Sculptor: Matsuura Ken. Release date: January 2012.
– Android #16. Sculptor: Suzuki Youhei. Release date: January 2012.
– Super Saiyan Goku. Sculptor: Ookubo Kazuo. Release date: December 2011.
– Frieza (final form). Sculptor: Yamashita Manabu. Release date: December 2011.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 2

– Goku. Release date: June 2012.
– Ox-King. Sculptor: Yamashita Manabu. Release date: June 2012.
– Young Goku. Sculptor: Matsuura Ken. Release date: July 2012.

The figure portrays young Goku in the air, in a fighting pose holding his power pole out. He is highly detailed, with a textured tail and hair. His gi is softly airbrushed. He comes on a grey transparant plastic stand. On the base of the stand is ‘Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 2’, as well as the marking © B / S · F · T BP. 2012 CHINA.

This figure was a price you could only win in Japan.
– Launch. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: July 2012.
– Young Krillin. Sculptor: Sagae Hiroshi. Release date: August 2012.
– Toa Pai Pai. Sculptor: Oonishi Kouji. Release date: August 2012.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 3

– Super Saiyan 3 Broly. Sculptor: Mr. Gashapon. Release date: March 2013.
– Chi-Chi. Sculptor: Kiyama Hisatake. Release date: 13 June 2013.
– Android #18. Sculptor: Sagae Hiroshi. Release date: 13 June 2013.
– Majin Buu. Sculptor: Oonishi Kouji. Release date: 23 July 2013.
– Master Roshi. Sculptor: Matsuura Ken. Release date: 6 August 2013.
– Goku. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: 18 September 2013.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 4

– Launch. Sculptor: Kai TK. Release date: 5 June 2014.
– Arale (Dr. Slump). Sculptor: Kiyama Hisatake. Release date: 17 June 2014.
– Yamcha. Sculptor: Sagae Hiroshi. Release date: 3 July 2014.
– Super Saiyan Goku. Sculptor: Matsuura Ken. Release date: 17 July 2014.
– Future Trunks. Sculptor: Varoq. Release date: 6 August 2014.
– Pan. Sculptor: Sawada Keisuke. Release date: 19 August 2014.
– Bulma. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: 7 October 2014.
– Porunga. Sculptor: CCP. Release date: 23 October 2014.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 5

– Super Saiyan Goku. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: 22 July 2015.
– Bardock. Sculptor: Kozo. Release date: 22 July 2015.
– Nappa. Sculptor: Takamatsu Seishin. Release date: 20 August 2015.
– Raditz. Sculptor: Varoq. Release date: 25 August 2015.
– Super Saiyan Vegeta. Sculptor: Kiyama Hisatake. Release date: 10 September 2015.
– Imperfect Cell. Sculptor: Matsuura Ken. Release date: 15 September 2015.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 6

– Android #18. Sculptor: Koba-Poly. Release date: 7 April 2016.
– Super Saiyan 2 Goku. Release date: 21 April 2016.
– Android #18. Release date: 19 May 2016.
– Super Saiyan 2 Goku. Sculptor: Varoq. Release date: 19 May 2016.
– Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Release date: 16 June 2016.
– Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: 28 June 2016.
Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 7

– Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Sculptor: Ougi-Hyo. Release date: 11 May 2017.
– Hercule / Mr. Satan. Sculptor: Inasaka Hiroomi. Release date: 18 May 2017.
– Broly. Sculptor: Satou Jun. Release date: 8 June 2017.
– Goku. Sculptor: Itou Yoshinori. Release date: 22 June 2017.
– Bulma. Sculptor: Kai TK. Release date: 6 July 2017.
– Piccolo. Sculptor: Nakazawa Hiroyuki. Release date: 20 July 2017.
I found my Goku figure in a small independent anime shop that was quitting and going online only. They were selling a lot of their leftover stock cheap in the physical store before final closure. I’m not a huge fan of young Goku, but the figure looked cool and detailed and it was a very good price, so I bought it.
At the time I was in University and my room was quite bare, with all my stuff still with my parents, so it was nice to have something Dragonball in the room. I like to surround myself with stuff I love and been inspired by, so it was cool to have on the shelf at my desk.
Only later did I start looking into these figures and I find it quite cool that these are the result of a sculpting competition. Fans made these and so will have taken extra care in the small details. That said the mass produced results make them feel cheaper and lighter than what they should be in my opinion.
It also means of course that this is a rather eclectic set. There’s a few I like; Master Roshi or Goku from Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 3, Bulma from Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 4 or Goku from Zoukei Tenkaichi Budoukai 7. They are nice display pieces, and a decent size. Still I wouldn’t be actively looking for them, as I like to focus on a few other things first. But I wouldn’t pass up a good deal of course.
As for young Goku, I’m keeping him for now but I might sell him in the future when I run out of room. Nothing really wrong with him, he’s just not my favourite that’s all.
If you like beautifully sculpted, large figures to display, these are quite nice.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!