Series: Dragon Ball / Dragon Ball Z / Dragonball GT
Company: Bandai
Year: 2003-2009
Size: 5~13 cm
Main distribution: Japan
This is a Gashapon set of Dragon Ball diorama’s made by Bandai. The series is called Imagination Figure and there are 11 volumes of it, as well as a few spin off series.
Each diorama comes in tiny pieces to puzzle together. When completed, they depict a little scene of the series. The diorama’s vary in size and are not in scale to one another.
Due to their Gashapon nature you never knew which one you would get as it’s random what falls out of the machine. Each figure would come with a little leaflet that would portray the set.
The marking is on the bottom of the figures.
88 figures in total were made in this line.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 1
Release date: 2003

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 2

5 figures were released in this set. I got 0/5.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 3
Release date: July 2004

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 4

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 5
Release date: July 2005

5 figures were released in this set. I got 0/5.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 6
Release date: December 2005

7 figures were released in this set. I got 7/7, although I think they may be bootleg?

The leaflet showed the entire set of 7.

Waking up Android No. 18

This figure portrays the awakening of Android #18 in the Android Saga of Dragon Ball Z. The diorama depicts the sleeping chamber of Android #18 and can be closed and opened. Android #18 stands stiff in it. The base is 4.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 10 cm at its highest point.
There is no branding on this figure that I could find.
Due to the small parts I’m unable to manage to place the door in place. However, I quite like the door off.
The scene is based on the following shot:

Nightmare Comes True
そして恐怖が現実に… 目覚める17号と18号!! Soshite Kyōfu ga Genjitsu ni… Mezameru Jūnana-Gō to Jūhachi-Gō!!
(And the Terror Becomes a Reality… No. 17 and No. 18 Awaken!!)
Start-up! Android No. #17

This figure portrays the awakening of Android #17 in the Android Saga of Dragon Ball Z. The diorama depicts the sleeping chamber of Android #17 and can be closed and opened. Android #17 steps out of it, having just awoken. The base is 4.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 10 cm at its highest point.
There is no branding on this figure that I could find.
Son Goku’s last bet

This figure portrays Goku’s Penetrate! attack on King Piccolo of Dragon Ball. The diorama depicts Goku piercing through King Piccolo, and has the silhouette of a great ape on the base. The base is 5.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 13 cm at its highest point, making this the tallest figure of the set.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
There is a small 1 below it.
The scene is based on the following shot:

Final Showdown
最後の賭け!! Saigo no Kake!! (The Final Gamble!!)
Trunks with Time Machine

This figure portrays a promo shot of the Trunks Saga from Dragon Ball Z. The diorama depicts Future Trunks sitting on a rock with the Time Machine behind him. The Time Machine has some transparant smoke effects at its base. The base is 9.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 7 cm tall at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base, in the cloud section next to the rock, is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
There is a small 3 below it.
Under Trunks’ foot is 3L.
Goten & Trunks

This diorama depicts Goten & Trunks performing a Kamehameha together. There is some blue transparant ki power effects around them and some transparant clouds at the base. The base is 5.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 6 cm tall at its highest point, making this the smallest figure of the set.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
There is a small 5 below it.
Final Flash!

This figure portrays Vegeta’s Final Flash. The diorama depicts Vegeta as a Super Saiyan with his hands forward, with lots of red transparant swirling Ki going towards it. There are transparant clouds at its base. The base is 8 cm long and the entire figure is about 8 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
There is a small 2 below it.
Confrontation of Fate

This figure portrays Majin Vegeta’s and dead Goku’s fight during the Majin Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z. The diorama depicts Majin Vegeta as a Super Saiyan blocking Goku’s punch and is about to kick him. Goku is a Super Saiyan and has the halo above his head, ready to punch Vegeta. There is red transparant Ki coming from Goku’s jump, and there are transparant clouds around Vegeta as he is shoved back from blocking. There is a small rock base. The base is 7 cm long and the entire figure is about 8 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
There is a small 4 below it.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 7
Release date: March 2006

6 figures were released in this set. I got 6/6, although I think they may be bootleg?

The leaflet showed the entire set of 6. It also advertised the HGGT set of the Bandai HG gashapon line.

1) Goku VS Metal Cooler

This figure portrays the fight between Goku and Metal Cooler of the Dragon Ball Z Movie Return of Cooler. The diorama depicts Goku as a Super Saiyan and Metal Cooler punching each other, with an effect in the background to show the impact. The base is 6 cm long, but the entire figure is 10.5 cm wide, and the entire figure is about 10 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
2) Resurrection of Vegeta

This figure portrays Vegeta being healed on Namek from Dragon Ball Z during the Namek Saga. The diorama depicts Vegeta, healed, stepping out of the rejuvenation chamber. The base is 7 cm long and the entire figure is about 7 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
3) Dragon Porunga

This figure portrays Porunga with an angry Frieza watching over on Namek from Dragon Ball Z during the Frieza Saga. The diorama depicts the Namekian Dragon Porunga, who has just been summoned, and an angry Frieza trying to make his wish. Sadly he does not speak Namekian. The base is 5 cm long and the entire figure is about 10.5 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
4) An angry Devil

This figure portrays the birth of Evil Buu from Dragon Ball Z during the Buu Saga. The diorama depicts Majin Buu angry and pouring out the evil through smoke out of his head, which is forming Evil Buu. He holds his dog Bee and an angry Mr. Satan / Hercule is in the background. The base is 3.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 9 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
5) Goku & Gohan

This figure portrays Goku and Gohan in a carefree manner. They appear to be from the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga time. The diorama depicts Goku flying over Kame Island, the home of Master Roshi, with Gohan following on Nimbus. The base is 4 cm long and the entire figure is about 8.5 cm at its highest point. Due to the small parts I’m unable to manage to place Gohan’s hair tufts properly in place, however, this isn’t that noticeable.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
6) Ambush in cave

This figure portrays the fight of Goku VS Pirate Robot from Dragon Ball. The diorama depicts young Goku who is just grabbed by the Pirate Robot’s tail underwater and about to get electrocuted. The base is 5.5 cm long and the entire figure is about 8 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T
B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots logo of Bandai located next to it.
The scene is based on the following shot:

Beware of Robot
海底のガードマン Kaitei no Gādoman (The Ocean Bottom’s Guardman)
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 8
Release date: 2006

6 figures were released in this set. I got 6/6.

The leaflet showed the entire set of 6.

1) Master Roshi & Son Goku

This figure portrays an artwork Akira Toriyama has made of Master Roshi running and young Goku on Nimbus. Master Roshi runs around a hill while Goku flies around it. The base diameter is 5 cm and the entire figure is about 9.5 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T BANDAI 2006 MADE IN CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it, as well as the Bandai logo on the left. The base also has a 5 on it, as well as the bottom of the figure, probably to match the pieces.
This scene is based on Akira Toriyama’s artwork:

2) Gotenks VS Buu

This figure portrays the fight of Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks VS Buu on Kami’s lookout tower. Gotenks barely dodges Buu here that has turned himself in ball and is crashing through the floor. The base diameter is 6 cm and the entire figure is about 7.5 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T BANDAI 2006 MADE IN CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it, as well as the Bandai logo on the left. The base also has a 6 on it, probably to match the pieces.
This scene is based on the following shot:

Gotenks is Awesome!
ノリすぎ!? ブウブウ バレーボール Norisugi!? Bū-Bū Barēbōru
(Going Too Far?! Buu-Buu Volleyball)
3) Gogeta VS Janemba

This figure portrays the fight of Super Saiyan Gogeta VS Janemba. Gogeta crushes Janemba by kneeing him in the back here. The base diameter is 6 cm and the entire figure is about 7 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T BANDAI 2006 MADE IN CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it, as well as the Bandai logo on the left. The base also has a 4 on it, probably to match the pieces.
4) Fateful Brothers Showdown!

This figure portrays the fight of Goku VS Raditz. The ground gives it a cool perspective trick by the way it curves upwards and becomes smaller. The figure is 9.5 cm wide and is about 6 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the ground is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it. It also has a 3 on it, probably to match the pieces.
This scene is based on the following shot:

Piccolo’s Plan
ピッコロの切り札! 悟飯は泣きむしクン Pikkoro no Kirifuda! Gohan wa Nakimushi-kun
(Piccolo’s Trump Card! Gohan is a Crybaby)
5) Makankōsappō! (Special Beam Cannon!)

This figure portrays Piccolo charging for his Special Beam Cannon. Piccolo is standing in his iconic pose, and the purple swirls are reminiscent of the swirls he had when charging against Raditz. The base diameter is 6 cm and the entire figure is about 7 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the base is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T BANDAI 2006 MADE IN CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it, as well as the Bandai logo on the left. The base also has a 2 on it, probably to match the pieces.
6) Gohan, awakens the power!

This figure portrays Gohan breaking out of Raditz’ space pod as he awakens his power to save his father Goku. The figure is 6.5 cm wide and is about 8 cm at its highest point.
On the bottom of the space pod is the branding. It reads:
© B / S · T B. CHINA with the typical 4 dots mark of Bandai located right next to it. It also has a 1 on it, probably to match the pieces.
This scene is based on the following shot:

Gohan’s Rage
悟空死す!ラストチャンスは一度だけ Gokū Shisu! Rasuto Chansu wa Ichido dake
(Goku Dies! There’s Only One Chance Left)
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 9

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
DBZ Imagination Figure Vol. 10
Release date: December 2006

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
DB Imagination Figure Vol. 11

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
This series focuses solely on Dragonball.
DBGT Imagination Figure
Release date: 2007

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
This series focuses solely on Dragonball GT.
Imagination Figure Best Of series

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
This series are re-releases / re-colours of previous figures; the “best of”.
Super Saiyan 3 Goku is from Vol. 2, with blue instead of yellow Ki sparks now.
Frieza is a re-colour from Vol. 1, with the figures now silver coloured. Goku with the baddies is also a re-colour from Vol. 1, with the Ki blast now blue instead of orange. Goku and Gohan Kamehameha is also a re-colour of Vol. 1, with blue Ki instead of orange. Gotenks is a re-release from Vol. 2, with the Kamikaze Ghosts now Glow in the Dark. Oolong is a re-release from Vol. 1, with Shenron now Glow in the Dark.
Petit Imagination Figure Vol. 1
Release date: September 2008

6 figures were released in this set. I got 0/6.
This series only has Chibi versions. Some are based on previous released figures.
Vegeta is a chibi version of Vol. 4. Goku with Frieza is also a chibi version of Vol. 4. Goku on orange Shenron is a chibi version of Vol. 3.
Petit Imagination Figure Vol. 2
Release date: February 2009

5 figures were released in this set. I got 0/5.
This series only has Chibi versions. Some are based on previous released figures.
Trunks is a chibi version of Vol. 6.
I loved Dragonball Z from the start as an early teen but there was so little to find back then. Then the internet became a thing and before I knew it I had discovered eBay! I bought loads of full sets, including these.
I like the little diorama’s. They were so different from the standard action figures Europe seemed to have. They are nice to display and look at, and the perspective tricks I find cool. The annoying bit though is they often only look good from one particular angle, and I like a figure because of its 3D quantities.
However, I think I ended up with some bootlegs. Although I bought them with the original leaflet and they have the markings, the figures I got from Vol 6 and 7 lack the quality that my figures of Vol. 8 have. So I’m selling them.
What I really like of these figures though is how they depict scenes from the series and Akira Toriyama’s artwork.
Vol. 2 Goten for example is based on this artwork:

Vol. 3 Goku on this one:

I don’t think I’ll be collecting them all, but I do hope to at least be able to add those figure to the collection. I also really like ‘Gohan, awaken the power!’ from Vol. 8. It’s such a powerful moment in the series and I love the dynamic of the broken space pod in the figurine.
If you like Dragonball / Z / GT and little diorama’s or scenes, these are great! If you want some larger scale figures, you might want to skip out on these.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same figures? Which one is your favourite? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!