Series: Dragon Ball Z
Company: Bandai
Year: 2004
Size: +/- 4.5~5.5 cm including base
Main distribution: Japan / Europe
Full Color R is a series of Gashapon sets of small figures on a transparant black base with a logo / symbol. They came out of a Gashapon machine in a capsule. Several IPs were done in this style, including Dragonball Z, Naruto, One Piece and Capcom All Stars. They were made by Bandai, and some were later redistributed by AB Groupe in Europe, where they were rebranded as some collection. Here you will find the Dragonball Z ones. 5 parts were made of 10 figures, resulting in 50 figures total.
All figures have a transparant black base with a silver logo or symbol printed on them. With a little clear peg these figures can be placed on the base, helping them stand firmly. Under the base is the branding. This reads © B / S · T BANDAI 2004 MADE IN CHINA. There is a little number on the peg hole as well, possibly to match it with the right figure or to indicate which number figure of the set it belongs to.

Full Color R Part 1

10 figures were released in this set. Hercule / Mr. Satan, Videl, Goten (fusion pose), Trunks (fusion pose), Cell, Vegeta, Piccolo, teen Gohan, Majin Buu and Super Saiyan 3 Goku. I got 0/10.
Full Color R Part 2

10 figures were released in this set. Goku, kid Gohan, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Tien, Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Vegeta, Imperfect Cell, Bulma and Buu. I got 1/10; Bulma. I used to have Goku, Krillin and Chiaotzu as well.

Bulma is wearing her Namek outfit. She glances angrily sideways, and has her hands on her hips. The base has a Capsule Corp logo.

Full Color R Part 3

10 figures were released in this set. kid Goku, Mercenary Tao, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Super Saiyan Gotenks, Perfect Cell, Android #18, Frieza and Metal Cooler. I got 0/10.
Full Color R Part 4

10 figures were released in this set. Super Saiyan Vegito, Future Trunks, Android #16, Android #17, Master Roshi (full power), Super Saiyan Goku, young Gohan, Radditz, Chi-Chi and Monster Carrot. I got 0/10.
Full Color R Part 5

10 figures were released in this set. Majin Vegeta, Super Saiyan Gogeta, Super Saiyan adult Gohan, Super Saiyan Goku (kamehameha), Bulma, Super Saiyan Trunks, Krillin, Saibaman, Super Saiyan Broly and Bardock. I got 3/10; Majin Vegeta, Bulma and Super Saiyan Trunks. I used to have Super Saiyan Gogeta, Krillin and Bardock as well.

Majin Vegeta is doing the attack he did on Majin Buu. He stands on a Majin symbol.
Bulma is in her green dress. She has one hand on her hip, and the other casually along her body. She looks happy. She stands on a Capsule Corp logo, same as the Bulma from Part 2.
Super Saiyan Trunks stands action ready. He looks stern. He also stands on a Capsule Corp logo, but it’s different from Bulma’s. It looks like the one on Future Trunks’ jacket.
I got the European re-release by the AB Groupe. “Full Color R Part 5” got re-branded to “Super Saiyan Collection”.

These figures I found in Gashapon machines in a shopping mall in Heerlen, the Netherlands. As my best friend had moved here at the time, I visited almost weekly. She was one street away from the mall, so I always stopped by there first to throw my saved up €1 and €2 coins in of the week. I later found these in other machines in my hometown as well.
I thought these figures were cute in a way. They are so tiny and yet so detailed! Unlike other figures I had at the time, which were mostly Western action figures, these felt very Japanese. I fell in love with Gashapon, its game of chance, its cheapness (only €1 or €2!) and the miniature nature of its prizes.
I’m pretty sure I almost single-handedly emptied these machines over the weeks, trying to get full sets. I sold off the doubles, often for €3~5, making my own collection practically free. I never managed to get a full set though.
When I started saving for Uni I sold some of my collection. Some of these went as well. I nearly sold all of these! I knew I wouldn’t get all of them, and they seemed cheap compared to some collectables I had. But I had decided to only focus on my favourites, so I kept Vegeta, Trunks and Bulma and sold off the rest. I was sure I kept Bardock though, but I can’t seem to find him… Looking back, I may have some regret. I really appreciate small figures more now, and they look so much better than the ones that came with Irwin Toy’s vehicles. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get these again though. Apart from young Gohan from part 2, it’s my favourite Gohan and he does not have a lot of merchandise.
If you like Gashapon, or small Dragonball figures, these are neat.
If you prefer bigger figures, these might not be your thing.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!