Series: Dragonball / Dragonball Z / Dragonball GT / Dragonball Super
Company: Bandai
Release: 2003-2016
Size: +/- 6 cm
Main distribution: Japan
This is a series made by Bandai done for several IP’s, like Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Dragonball Super, Gundam Seed etc. These are all SD (Super Deformed) or chibi figures sitting on a round object. “Chara Pucchi” means “Character Petit”. Here you’ll find all the Dragon Ball ones.
Various volumes of 10 figures have been made over the years. The first ones were released in 2003 and the last ones I saw were from 2016, but it’s possible they are still being made now for Dragonball Super.
What’s great about these is that it contains figures of the support cast, whom usually don’t get a lot of merchandise. They also come in parts, so you can take the figure off the ball and balance them on an edge for example.
The bases have markings. It reads © B / S · T B.CHINA. It also has the Bandai 4 dots stamp on them.

These came in little blind boxes, so it was a surprise which one you would get. The figure and the base would come in 2 plastic bags, with a piece of candy.
I never owned these boxes, but I found images online. I’ve included these for visual reference as they are so hard to find, possibly due to being blind boxes and people have to open them to see their figure.
I found my sets online and bought so many as a young teen trying to get them all, not realising they were bootleg. Due to one set arriving with one missing, I ended up buying one separate to complete it, which happened to be a legit one. The colour and quality difference is huge. When I figured this out, I stopped buying these.
Bootleg figures come on Dragonballs that are very yellow, instead of a deep orange. The base only has CHINA underneath it. The figures themselves are harder to tell when you don’t have the original next to it to compare. Generally, the paint job is sloppier on a bootleg. Some easy tells are again the ones with Dragonballs, like the one on Gohan’s hat in DBZ Series 1, or the ones Dodoria is holding in DBZ Series 5. The bootleg has this in a solid colour rather than looking like a Dragonball. Bootleg Majin Vegeta, is missing the ]V[ symbol on his forehead as a bootleg.
Ironically the official Dragonballs tend to get sticky, whereas the bootleg ones do not!
I don’t know if the Dragonballs they came with were random or not. Mine got all mixed up in a house move, so it’s impossible to tell for me, apart from the special ones like Nimbus or Saiyan Pods. As mine were also bootleg, it’s possible they were random, but the official ones had their specific balls.
I will list them all here for collecting purposes, as I struggled to find a full list.
I’m uploading pictures of my bootleg figures, for visual reference. I hope to one day replace these with legit ones, at least of my favourite characters.
I believe the series had official names, as described on the box, but I can’t read the Japanese to figure these all out.
A special series of Goku’s was also made. These were re-releases of several Goku’s from the previous sets, but he set on a globe of Earth instead of a Dragonball.
Series 1
Release date: 2003

The box these came in had a light blue top. It had Dragonball on it and an image of chibi Bulma holding the Dragon radar, with Goku in blue gi on Nimbus flying in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Young Goku, Bulma in pink outfit, Master Roshi, Krillin in yellow outfit, Yamcha, Oolong in green army outfit, Chi-Chi in armour, Emperor Pilaf, Korin and World Tournament Announcer.
Series 2
Release date: 2004
I do not own any of these figures.
The box these came in had a green top. It had Dragonball 2 on it and an image of Jackie Chun, with a Goku in orange gi in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Young Goku, Bulma, Puar, Lunch, Jackie Chun / Master Roshi, Grandpa Gohan, Upa, Tien, Chaotzu and Mr. Popo.
Series 3 Tenka’ichi
Release date: 2006

The box these came in was mostly green. It had Dragonball on it and an image of Bulma in her biker outfit, with a Goku on Nimbus in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Young Goku on Nimbus, Bulma in biker outfit, Oolong with underwear, Master Roshi in his tournament spectator outfit, Giran, Suno, Young Goku in his Red Ribbon Army outfit, Taopaipai, Pilaf Machine and King Piccolo.
Goku comes on a little Nimbus instead of on a Dragonball.
Dragonball Z
Series 1
Release date: 2004
Barcode: 4892762025560

The box these came in had a red top. It had Dragonball Z on it and an image of chibi Goku and Gohan flying on Nimbus, with Piccolo flying in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Goku, Chi-Chi, Young Gohan, Bulma in blue top, Piccolo, Kami, Yajirobe, King Kai, Nappa and Vegeta.
Nappa and Vegeta come on a little Saiyan Pod instead of on a Dragonball.
Series 2
Release date: 2005
Barcode: 4892762025577

The box these came in had a black top. It had Dragonball Z on it, with a smaller 2 below it and an image of chibi Super Saiyan Goku, with Frieza (final form) in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Bulma in her Namek outfit, Vegeta in his Namek armour, Dende, Captain Ginyu, Frieza (first form), Frieza (final form) and Goku in his Yardrat outfit.
Captain Ginyu and Yardrat Goku come on a little Ginyu Pod instead of on a Dragonball.
Series 3 Cell
Release date: 2005

The box these came in had a dark blue top. It had Dragonball Z on it, with an image of chibi Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, with angel Goku in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Goku in Bulma’s Saiyan armour, Future Trunks, Piccolo, Android #17, Android #18, Android #16, Perfect Cell, Hercule / Mr. Satan, Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and angel Goku.
Series 4
Release date: 2006

The box these came in had a black top and bottom. It had Dragonball Z on it, with an image of chibi Goku in his blue gi, and Uub, Gotenks and Majin Buu in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Majin Vegeta, Gohan as Great Saiyaman, Goten, Trunks, Gotenks, Majin Buu, Goku in blue gi, Uub and Shenron.
Trunks is the only one I got that is not a bootleg. The colour difference in the Dragonball is very noticeable.
Series 5
Release date: 2006

The box these came in had a purple top, It had Dragonball Z on it, with an image of chibi Goku, and Frieza, Oozaru and Radditz in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Goku, Radditz, Gohan, Saibaman, Oozaru Vegeta, Krillin in Saiyan armour, Dodoria, Zarbon (pretty form), Nail and Frieza (second form).
Radditz and Oozaru Vegeta come on a little Saiyan Pod instead of on a Dragonball.
Series 6
Release date: 2007
Barcode: 4892762033497

The box these came in had a dark blue top. It had Dragonball Z on it, with an image of chibi Super Saiyan Goku, chibi Super Saiyan Gohan, chibi Super Saiyan Future Trunks and chibi Super Saiyan Vegeta flying towards you.

The set contains 10 Characters; Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Gohan, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Krillin, Yamcha, Cell, Cooler, Super Android #13 and Super Saiyan Broly.
Series 7 Return of Goku
Release date: 2007
I do not own any of these figures.
The box these came in was dark blue. It had Dragonball Z on it and an image of chibi Super Saiyan Goku in his Yardrat outfit, with Super Saiyan Future Trunks and Cyborg Frieza in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Super Saiyan Goku in Yardrat outfit, Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Cyborg Frieza, Gohan in Saiyan Armour, Ginyu in Goku’s body, Recoome, Guldo, Captain Ginyu, Jeice and Burter.
Super Saiyan Goku in Yardrat outfit, as well as the last five figures making up the Ginyu Squad came on a little Saiyan Pod instead of on a Dragonball.
Series 8 Invincible Fusion
Release date: 2008
I do not own any of these figures.
The box these came in had a black top. It had Dragonball Z on it and an image of chibi Super Saiyan Vegito, with a chibi Super Saiyan Gotenks in the background.

The set contains 10 Characters; Goku with Potara earring, Vegeta with Potara earring, Super Saiyan Vegito, Super Saiyan Gotenks, Great Saiyaman, Videl, Supreme Kai / Shin, Kibito, Babidi and Kid Buu.
Notably Goku has a knot in his belt which he should not have at this point in the series.
Dragonball GT
Series 1 Super Saiyan 4
Release date: 2007
I do not own any of these figures.
The box these came in had a black top. It had Dragonball GT on it and an image of chibi Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta.

The set contains 10 Characters; Kid Goku, Pan, Trunks, Gill, Uub, Dragon, Super Baby, Syn Shenron, Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta.
Kid Goku, Pan and Trunks came on their spaceship instead of a Dragonball.
Dragonball Super
Series 1
Release date: 2016
I do not own any of these figures.
The box these came didn’t have any original artwork like the others, but instead displayed the figures. It had Dragonball Super on it and an image of the Goku figure, with the others in the background.

Unlike the others, this set contains 5 Characters; Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Champa, Vados and Frost.
I was a massive Dragonball fan at the time, and one of the first series I truly collected besides the Lion King. I spent all my pocket money on these.
As a young teen discovering the internet, I also found online buying. Searching for Dragonball stuff, I found this series and fell in love. I was very much into chibi’s at the time. I wanted to get them all.
So I saved my money and would buy a set at a time, slowly expending the collection. My friends has all dropped out of the fandom at this point, so I had no one to trade with anymore. Bootlegs were unknown to me. At the time I just saw figures and toys, and didn’t consider who made them or if fakes were out there.
When I ended up getting a set with a double and 1 missing due to the seller’s mistake, I ended up selling my double one and buying the missing one separately. This one appeared to be a legit one. This is when I looked more into this and realised I had bought a lot of bootlegs! Upset, I stopped buying online for a long time.
It was a lesson well learned. I always kept these though, as I liked them. They look cute and look great on the edge of a shelf. I would still like these, but legit, and always considered to slowly sell the bootlegs and replace them with legit ones.
However, it is still hard to find these. Even the bootlegs are becoming hard to find due to many people using the heads for custom figures. And as I’ve grown older, I’m less likely to keep full sets and just keep my favourites as I’m thinning out the collection.
So I’ve decided for now to sell my bootlegs and only keep my favourite ones. If I see some legit ones for sale for a good price, I’ll pick them up of course and sell the bootlegs on again, but I’m not actively looking for them at the moment.
However, I still wanted to catalogue them here first. Hopefully with better figures in the pictures in the future. The photo’s are all made by me of my own figures.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!
Bookmarked!, I enjoy your blog!
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. 🙂