Series: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Company: Square Enix
Release: 22 June 2024, 24 August 2024
Size: 10cm
Main distribution: Japan / UK (Square Enix Store)
These are little lights based on character sprites from Final Fantasy Record Keeper, a mobile video game featuring characters from the mainline Final Fantasy games.
The lights are released in waves.
Wave 1
Release date: 22 June 2024

Wave 1 exists out of 3 character lights;
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
I got 1/3.
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI)
Release date: 22 June 2024
Jan code: 4988601381246
UPC code: 662248852782

The lights come in a black box with a window at the front that displays the light clearly. It has the game logo in the corner, in this case Final Fantasy VI and the name on the bottom; Terra Branford. On the side are images of the light and the top has the FFVI logo again. The other sides contain all the legal information and the barcodes are at the bottom.

The light itself is quite chunky and therefor stands upright easily. It makes for a nice display piece. It takes 3 AAA batteries in the back and has a button on the back, turning it on, dim and off.

Of course the real magic happens when you turn it on, as it lights the pixels, making it like a spite that popped off your screen into your room.
Wave 2
Release date: 24 August 2024

Wave 2 exists out of 2 character lights;
White Mage (Final Fantasy)
Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
I got 0/2.
I love the Super Famicom / SNES, and Final Fantasy VI is my favourite Final Fantasy, so when I saw these lights I thought Terra would be cool to have in the game room. It’s hard to find specific SNES merchandise, so I take anything I can get.
And although she doesn’t fully match her SNES/PS sprite, she’s pretty close!

I suppose she matches her Final Fantasy Record Keeper sprite perfectly though, as expected.

Which thankfully looks much closer to her SNES/PS counterpart than the PC Pixel Remaster version.

It’s weird that they are releasing these lights now in 2024 based on Final Fantasy Record Keeper, seeing that shut down in September 2022. But I suppose there’s no marketing of FFRK on these, and it’s just easy to use all these unified sprites of the Final Fantasy series. I imagine Cloud and Lightning were chosen on popularity, as they aren’t from the pixel era.
The White and Black Mage come next, which again are popular jobs that do well in pixel.
I’m interested to see who they all release, although I probably won’t get any more. I think 1 light per game series is enough. I’d still like to get the Mario Pixel Pal, as well as Megaman and maybe Sonic. Which I think gives a better mix than a bunch of FF characters. Especially when the sprites don’t match any of my specific games but of a mobile game. But that is a personal pet peeve of mine!
If you like Final Fantasy, pixels, retro and lights, you’ll love these.
If you prefer move conventional merchandise like figures, you might give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these lights? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!