Series: The Lion King
Company: Disney Store
Release date: 2013
Size: Various
Main distribution: UK (Disney Stores)
Made in: Vietnam
These are young Simba plush that were sold in the UK Disney Stores in 2013.
Various Lion King plush were released in the Disney Stores. Here are Simba cubs from 2013.
Small Sitting plush
Size: 13cm

This young Simba plush is in a sitting position. He is a bright, saturated yellow, with a light cream muzzle, belly and toes. The bottom of his paws is a dark brown. He has embroidered features on his face. His eye patches are a light brown. He has long fluffy hair in yellow on top of his head, and for the tuft of his tail which is a light brown. His fur is made of a minky material with a soft and short pile.

He is nicely sculpted / posed. Proportions are a bit off, mainly his head being too big, giving him a bit of a chibi look. He’s also much brighter / saturated than his movie counterpart, but matches his modern marketing.
He has a tush tag the left side of his bottom, which is the standard Disney Store one.
Medium standing plush
Size: 35cm

This young Simba plush is in a medium size plush. He is a bright, saturated yellow, with a light cream muzzle, belly and toes. The bottom of his paws is a dark brown. He has embroidered features on his face. His eye patches are a tan colour. He has long fluffy hair in yellow on top of his head and for the tuft of his tail. His fur is made of a minky material with a soft and short pile.

He is in a standing position. He is also very soft and not stuffed firmly, which makes him hard to stay upright, but perfect for play and cuddling. His proportions are ok, but due his softness he can come across a bit plump. There’s pellets in his bum.

Due to his softness, he can also easily be posed and made to sit. Under his back left paw he has the Disney Store Stamp embroidered on.

He has a tush tag the left side of his bottom, which is the standard Disney Store one.
I bought this medium Simba on 24 October 2013. I recall that date exactly as I have a photo of me buying it. I had just moved to the UK and my boyfriend took me to the Disney Store for the first time. In the Netherlands there are no Disney Stores, so I was excited to finally go to one. Buying a Simba plush was of course a must! And having one with the Disney Store stamp felt special.
Later I found there was a Disney Store pretty much everywhere in the UK, although they have all closed in 2021. They stopped doing the stamps a few years before that too. Which makes this Simba even a bit more special to me.
I found the little sitting Simba years later in a charity shop. I’m almost positive it’s from the same line in 2013, due to its similarities. But he does have different colour eye patches and tail tuft, so I could be wrong. I recall seeing little sitting Simba’s in mugs, so he may have been part of a mug set, or may have been one of the little ones you can buy. If anyone knows for sure / exactly, let me know!
If you like The Lion King, Simba, Disney or Disney Store plush, you can’t go too wrong with these.
If you dislike Disney / The Lion King, you’ll give these one a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same plush? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!