Company: Jazwares
Release: 2022+
Size: +/-16cm
Main distribution: USA, Europe
These small plush are a line of sleeping Pokémon from Jazwares.
The plush all have a very soft texture and their eyes closed, as they’re sleeping. They come out in waves of 4, with 2 waves out so far so 8 plush total.
Wave 1
Release date: 2022

Wave 1 exists out of 4 plush; Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Igglybuff and Riolu.
I have 1/4; Pikachu.
Barcode: 191726434450

Pikachu has his iconic colours and embroidered face features, with closed ꒡ eyes and a 3 shaped mouth. Pikachu looks content and cozy sleeping. The texture is very soft and has a low pile with a bit of a curl.

He’s in a laying position. His body proportions are fairly ok, but due to his front paws his head is slightly upwards, which is a bit weird considering he’s supposed to be asleep, and it doesn’t really look like he’s resting on his paws either. He’s nice stuffed with soft stuffing, and has a bit of give.

He has 2 quite large tush tags at its bum, which has the standard Pokémon logo and copyrights info on it as well as the usual manufacturing data and care instructions. Attached to his left ear is the tag, which is the basic Jazwares Pikachu tag on the red and white backdrop. He also has a hook at the top of his head, although they are sold in a display box.
Wave 2
Release date: 2023

Wave 2 also exists out of 4 plush; Togepi, Squirtle, Charmander and Pichu.
I have 0/4.
I’m not a huge fan of the Jazwares plush. I always found Tomy better looking, even if the Western ones can look off too. But when I saw the small sleeping Pikachu I felt he needed to join my Sleepychu army, so I bought him.
Although he isn’t my favourite Sleepychu, he is very soft and one of the better plush I’ve seen from Jazwares. This is of course personal preference.
Although I’ve only planned on getting Pikachu, I have to admit the second wave looks adorable too. Something about sleeping plushies is just so cute and peaceful.
If you like Pokémon, small, soft and/or sleeping plush, these are great.
If you like bigger plush or open eyes, you might want to give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own the same plush? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!