Series: Dragon Ball Z
Company: Bandai
Year: 1993~1997
Size: 3~7cm / 2″
Main distribution: Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, America
Bandai released some of the first figures of Dragonball Z when the show started airing in Japan. This line was called “Full Color Battle” and 36 figures / sets were made. These were later re-released in Hong Kong, as well as by AB Groupe as “Super Guerriers” (Super Warriors), and then re-released again by Irwin Toy, bringing them to the West.
Although re-released in the West by AB Groupe and Irwin Toy, the quality does not matches Bandai’s. The western re-releases are made of a softer plastic, and have some give / bend, and the colouring is sloppier. Bandai’s are made of a shinier, harder plastic, and the paint jobs are precise and crisp.
AB Groupe later started making their own versions, taking inspiration of Bandai’s. The figure’s are slightly altered to make them their own, often slightly changing pose, moving an arm down for example. Only their first 2 box releases were direct copies, which got redone.
Irwin Toy re-released Bandai’s as 4 figure sets, before re-releasing AB Groupe‘s as 6 figure sets.
The figures came in boxes, which could be re-used as arena’s. AB Groupe‘s also came in boxes, but lacked the arena. Irwin Toy re-released these on simple blister packs.
36 figures were made and released in 4 sets.
An additional 10 battle brusher figures were made and released in 2 sets.
These 46 figures got included in overseas (Hong Kong) Full Color Battle Packs, with an additional 6 figures, making 52 total. Another special DX series got released as well, adding another 11 figures, making the total 63.
Although I don’t have any of Bandai’s specifically (I hope I do one day) I do have some of the Western re-releases. As the figures are exactly the same, I list them here.
I got 12/63.
Pack #1
Release: 1993
This is a 12 figure set based on the Cell Games Saga. The box could be re-purposed to create the Cell Games Arena, using the plastic inlay as a base, with a cardboard flooring on top and a cardboard backdrop. The back of the box looks like a manga.
The set includes Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Yamcha, Krillin, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Android #16, Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, Super Saiyan Goku, Perfect Cell, Super Saiyan Goku (Kamehameha pose), Tien, Piccolo and Super Saiyan Gohan.
I got 0/12.
Pack #2
Release: 1993
This is a 6 figure set based on the movie Dragonball Z: Broly – Second Coming, known in Japan as The Dangerous Duo! Super Warriors Never Rest (ドラゴンボールZ 危険なふたり!超戦士はねむれない, lit: Doragon Bōru Zetto Kiken na Futari! Sūpā Senshi wa Nemurenai). The box could be re-purposed to create a sandy environment, by folding it open to a floor and backdrop. The back of the box simply shows the characters.
The set includes Super Saiyan Trunks, Super Saiyan adult Gohan, Super Saiyan Goten, Ultimate Super Saiyan Broly (Eraser Canon pose), Super Saiyan Goku with halo and a second Ultimate Super Saiyan Broly.
I got 5/6.

Pack #3
Release: 1994
This is a 12 figure set, based on the Super Famicom game Dragonball Z Super Butouden 2. The box could be re-purposed to create a rocky environment, using the plastic inlay as a base, with a cardboard flooring on top and a cardboard backdrop. The back of the box looks like a video game. It included some altering colours for some of the previous figures, tying in to the video game theme for when 2 players choose the same character.
The set includes Bojack, Zangya, Cell Jr., Perfect Cell (re-coloured blue from pack #1), Super Saiyan Goku (Kamehameha pose) (re-coloured red from pack #1), Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Kamehameha pose), Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (re-coloured red bands from pack #1), Super Saiyan Vegeta (re-coloured grey from pack #1), Future Trunks, Ultimate Super Saiyan Broly, Piccolo (re-coloured red bands from pack #1).
I got 1/12.

Pack #4
Release: 1994
This is a 6 figure set again but it includes a Tenkaichi Arena. The box is bigger than the others because of this. The set is based on the World Tournament Saga. The arena can be “battle damaged” by removing certain plastic pieces from the floor, revealing damaged tiles. If adding batteries, it’ll also make fighting sounds by pressing the 3 buttons in the floor.
The set includes Goten, Trunks, Videl, Gohan (adult), Hercule / Mr. Satan and Great Saiyaman.
I got 6/6.

Battle Brusher
A follow up series got made called “Battle Brusher”. 2 sets were released in 1995. These figures did have some articulation in their arms, and came with little magnetic bases.
Pack #1
Release: 1995
This set had 5 figures; Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Vegito, Super Saiyan Trunks and Majin Buu.
Pack #2
Release: 1995
This set had also 5 figures but also came with a magnetic wrestling ring. The magnetic bases would move over the wrestling ring floor, making the characters appear as if fighting in the ring. This set includes Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Super Saiyan Goten, Piccolo and Kid Buu.
Overseas Boxsets Full Color Battle
The figures then got (re-)released overseas (Hong Kong) in box sets of 6 figures. 8 sets got made. Each box had its own colour and a different character in the bottom left corner.
Set 1 (yellow, Super Saiyan Goku)
Release: 1994
The set includes Tien, Super Saiyan Goku (Kamehameha pose), Super Saiyan Vegeta, Android #16, Krillin and Super Saiyan Gohan.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Pack #1.
I got 0/6.
Set 2 (blue, Super Saiyan 2 Gohan)
Release: 1994
The set includes Super Saiyan Trunks, Super Saiyan Goku, Perfect Cell, Yamcha, Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and Piccolo.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Pack #1.
I got 0/6.
Set 3 (purple, Super Saiyan Future Trunks)
Release: 1994
The set includes Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Kamehameha pose), Super Saiyan Goku, Ultimate Super Saiyan Broly, Bojack, Super Saiyan Future Trunks and Cell Jr.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Pack #3.
I got 0/6.
Set 4 (turquoise, Great Saiyaman)
Release: 1994
The set includes Goten, Trunks, Videl, Gohan (adult), Hercule / Mr. Satan and Great Saiyaman.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Pack #4.
I got 6/6.

Set 5 (orange, Super Saiyan Goten)
Release: 1994
The set includes Super Saiyan Trunks, Super Saiyan Gohan (adult), Super Saiyan Goten, Ultimate Super Saiyan Broly, Super Saiyan Goku (halo) and Zangya.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Pack #2 with Zangya from Japanese Pack #3.
I got 6/6.

This box got completely copied by AB Groupe initially as their second box. They released a new #2 box where they altered the poses, possibly to avoid legalities.
Set 6 (dark blue, Goku (halo))
This set includes new figures! The set has Mighty Mask (Trunks & Goten), Goku (halo), Kibito, Spopovich, Supreme Kai / Shin and Super Saiyan Gohan (Great Saiyaman).
I got 0/6.
This box got completely copied by AB Groupe initially as their first box. They released a new #1 box where they altered the poses, possibly to avoid legalities.
Set 7 (light blue, Super Saiyan Vegito)
The set includes Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Vegito, Super Saiyan Trunks and Majin Buu.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Battle Brusher Pack #1.
I got 0/5.
Set 8 (dark orange, Super Saiyan 3 Goku)
The set includes Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Super Saiyan Goten, Piccolo and Kid Buu.
All the figures are exactly the same as the figures from Japanese Battle Brusher Pack #2.
I got 0/5.
Battle Stage
This was the arena of Japanese Pack #4, sold separately.
Full Colour Battle DX – Part 1: The Best of Son Goku
An additional special series got made for the overseas (Hong Kong) market. These figures are bigger and the Super Saiyans have gold hair.
This set has 6 figures. It includes Goku, Super Saiyan Goku (Spirit Bomb pose), Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Gogeta, Super Saiyan 3 Goku and young Goku.
I got 0/6.
Full Colour Battle DX – Part 2: Powerful Saiyans Collection
Release: 1997
An additional special series got made for the overseas (Hong Kong) market. These figures are bigger and the Super Saiyans have gold hair.
This set has 5 figures. It includes Mystic Gohan, Super Saiyan Vegito, Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Super Saiyan Vegeta.
I got 0/5.
Irwin Toys 4 figure pack
Release: 1998
Irwin Toys re-released the figures in the West in 4 figure packs on blister cards in 6 sets.
Set 1
This set includes Krillin, Super Saiyan Goku, Tien and Super Saiyan Trunks. All these figures are from Bandai’s Pack #1.
I got 0/4.
Set 2
This set includes Android #16, Super Saiyan Goku, Great Saiyaman and Videl. These figures are from Bandai’s Pack #1 and #4.
I got 2/4.

Set 3
This set includes Super Saiyan Trunks, Super Saiyan Gohan, Hercule / Mr. Satan and Super Saiyan Vegeta. These figures are from Bandai’s Pack #1, #3 and #4.
I got 1/4.

Set 4
This set includes Piccolo, Cell Jr, Super Saiyan Gohan and Bojack. These figures are from Bandai’s Pack #1 and #3.
I got 0/4.
Set 5
This set includes Yamcha, Perfect Cell, Goten and Super Saiyan Gohan. These figures are from Bandai’s Pack #1 and #4.
I got 1/4.

Set 6
This set includes Super Saiyan Goku, Trunks, Gohan and Broly. These figures are from Bandai’s Pack #3 and #4.
I got 2/4.

I was a massive Dragonball fan at the time, and one of the first series I truly collected besides the Lion King. I spent all my pocket money on these.
This was a time before internet, and we hunted for these figures in all the shops. Trading and selling on was a huge part of collecting, especially then, and it created some cool friendships.
The local Bruna (a stationary shop of all places!) had these small figures in a large pot at the register. They were cheap, only cost about ƒ1 or ƒ2 as I recall, and after school me and my friend would go by the shop on the way home and buy one daily. This is why I had so many random ones.
Although I’m certain all of mine will have been AB Groupe or Irwin Toy considering where I got them from, I’m certain I had the Hercule / Mr. Satan, which I traded with someone at some point.
When I started saving for Uni, I sold a lot of my collection. The western re-releases were kinda derpy to me, and I was never going to get them all. Whenever I thought I had them all, another one I had never seen would show up. So I only kept a few of my favourites. Looking back, I have huge regret of this of course. It’s mostly nostalgia, as they aren’t that great looking, but it’s cool to have some early “European” merchandise. So I have since tried to buy them all again.
And while looking into these figures I found their Bandai origins. I find it cheeky how they changed their poses, and it saddens me the quality isn’t the same. It made me remember how good my Hercule / Mr. Satan looked, with both his arms up, his shinier plastic and great paint job. If I had known I had the Japanese equivalent at the time, I probably wouldn’t have sold it!
I like the initial 4 sets, and the additional overseas set #6, so I might try to get them all at some point. I have since been buying up lots in an attempt to get them. I feel like the Battle Brushers and DX sets are different lines, due to the figures being so different (articulated / bigger).
What I really love though, is the set that seems to be based on the Super Famicom game Dragonball Z Super Butouden 2. I love the Super Famicom / SNES and its merchandise. I didn’t realise it when I first saw the set, but when I looked at the odd choices of characters, and the odd recolours, and then the back of the box it suddenly hit me. These are the exact same character choices, as well as their alternative sprites for the game! They even made a new Future Trunks. How awesome they based the set on the game! Although I guess it makes sense seeing Bandai was also the publisher of the game.

I will definitely try to get that set, and possibly the other one so I have both coloured versions. Which is odd as I usually don’t care for re-skinned merchandise, but it fits here.
If you like vintage Dragonball Z merchandise, you might want to look into these. If you’d like more modern high quality stuff, you might give these a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!
It’s great that people still collect these figures. i think you can still find some of them either on ebay or some online marketplace. Although the price is extremely expensive, especially for the Japanese bandai version. I think beside the japanese and the official western re-release, there are at least 2 other knock-off versions, i have a knock off figure and the quality is surprisingly good (doing a search on facebook images can found some of these rare knock-off). I also think some version has holes under the character’s foot for stage display. retroballz keep tracks of all the japanese released ones very well here (https://retroballz.net/en/full-color-battle-figures/)
Hi Hieu,
Thank you for your comment and apologies for the late approval and reply. I had to step away from the site for a while.
I really like these Bandai ones but as you say they’re hard to find here and / or expensive. I’m still keeping my eye out though.
I try to avoid knock-offs, although I know some people collect them! Some interesting ones are out there for sure.
Thanks for the link, some great images there!
Kind regards,