Company: Tomy
Year: 2013
Size: 3 x 6 cm
Main distribution: Europe / America
These little cards are Pokémon Attack Tags that came with Pokémon Tomy figures around 2013 in the Pokémon X & Y series. These would act as expansion sets for the Battle Arena.
Each Attack Tag has a Pokéball on it with a type in the background with corresponding colour. On the back it said the type in various languages.
The Attack Tags would correspond to each Pokémon’s type and “bring the battle to life”. You could slide these in the Battle Arena’s top area to portray which types were fighting. It was important to know the various types as each type has weaknesses and strengths against other types.
I only have 2 Attack Tags; Electric and Dark.

Back in 2013 I had just moved to the UK to do my Masters. And there were lots of Tomy Pokémon figures here of Gen I! So I bought the sets as I collect the figures, and the cards came with them.
I kept the cards all this time but I have no use for them. I don’t have the Battle Arena for them either. I imagine most people throw these out as well…
So I decided to sell these so someone with a Battle Arena can actually enjoy them. These have now been sold.
I still wanted to catalogue them here for everyone. Pictures are of the actual product and not stock photos.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these cards? Or do you have the Battle Arena? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!