Company: Kitan Club
Release: 2019-2022
Size: +/- 4 cm
Main distribution: Japan
Pokémon Palette Color Collection is a series of Gashapon sets of small Pokémon figures with paint tubes and brushes on a coloured base. Each volume focuses on a specific colour, with Pokémon and paint of that colour. They came out of a Gashapon machine in a capsule. Each volume exists out of 5 figures.
The series comes in 7 volumes / colours, resulting in 35 figures.
The figures come in 3 parts in plastic; the base, the peg and the figure.

Release date: May 2019

This volume focuses on the colour Pink, and comes with Mew, Clefairy, Chansey, Jigglypuff and Slowpoke.
I got 0/5.
Release date: February 2020

This volume focuses on the colour Yellow, and comes with Pikachu, Pichu, Psyduck, Hypno and Electakid.
I got 2/5.

Pikachu, the yellow electric mouse Pokémon, is eagerly holding a paintbrush with yellow paint. Happily walking forwards, with the brush upright, he balances on the peg. The branding is on the back of the tail. It reads in raised font: ©Pokémon/Nintendo KC CH.

Psyduck, the yellow duck Pokémon, has fallen over a yellow tube of paint. His weight is causing the paint to spill out the paint tube. The branding is on the bottom. It reads in raised font: ©Pokémon/Nintendo KC CH.
Release date: 12 May 2020

This volume focuses on the colour Purple, and comes with Mewtwo, Gengar, Ditto, Grimer and Sableye.
I got 0/5.
Release date: 29 August 2020

This volume focuses on the colour Blue, and comes with Squirtle, Tangela, Poliwhirl, Riolu and Piplup.
I got 0/5.
Release date: 31 October 2020

This volume focuses on the colour Orange, and comes with Charmander, Flareon, Growlithe, Tepig and Torchic.
I got 0/5.
Release date: December 2020

This volume focuses on the colour Green, and comes with Bulbasaur, Larvitar, Celebi, Chikorita and Politoad.
I got 0/5.
Release date: June 2022

This volume focuses on the colour Brown, and comes with Eevee, Greedent, Cubone, Hitmonlee and Buneary.
I got 0/5.
I love Gashapon, Pokémon and I’m an artist. These were made for me! The first volume, the pink series, was very quickly sold out, and the ones for sale seem quite expensive. I wasn’t that fussed at the time. It was just pink. But now that more colours are announced I’m hoping to get at least one of each!
However, I am quite picky with these. I only like the Pokémon of Gen 1, maybe Gen 2. And I like to display these without their bases, and I don’t think that works for all of them as some I don’t think can stand on their own.
I found the yellow series from an anime shop on Instagram for a nice price, and I knew I wanted 1. Psyduck seemed the one to tick all my boxes, so I bought him.

He looks so dorky and cute! The colours are nicely done, and the paint looks lifelike.
Couple years later I’m visiting this shop in Amsterdam I always go to when I’m there, and I see these figures (yellow only). I got excited, I saw Pikachu, and immediately bought it. Then I remembered I already had Psyduck, I only wanted 1 of each colour, and I wanted them to be able to stand without base. I realised as soon as I had paid for him… oops. So if anyone would like to trade Pikachu for another colour, Gen 1 that can stand without base, hit me up!
I do hope to score Growlithe of the orange series! He’s one of my favourite Pokémon but I don’t like much merchandise of him. This one would be perfect. As for the others, I think Chansey for pink. Grimer for purple, although Gengar looks cuter. He might be able to sit lopsided. Ditto looks cute too but not sure if he can stand either. And then Squirtle or Tangela for blue. Bulbasaur will have to be green. Brown will be tricky, as I’m not sure any will stand without base, so I’m guessing Eevee would be the safest bet.
I hope they make more colours (red, grey, black, white), but looks like this line has stopped for now.
If you like Gashapon, or small, cute little figures of Pokémon, or love paint / art, this set is highly recommended!
If you prefer larger figures, these would be a miss for you.
Got any more details / information? Did I get something wrong? Do you own the same figure or the full sets? Which colours are you hoping for next? Let me know in the comments below!