Series: Dragon Ball Z
Company: Toycom
Year: 1999
Size: 9.5 cm
Main distribution: America / Europe
Barcode: 693904231009
Back in the 90s finger skateboards were all the rage. Toycom must have decided to combine the 2 hottest things of now and make a line of Dragonball Z mini skateboards, officially licensed. 8 different skateboards were made.
These skateboards came in a blister pack with a Super Saiyan adult Gohan stock image on the cardboard. The back was a basic yellow-red gradient, that showcased the 8 different decks.
All of them came with a wrench, 3 sets of wheels (white, yellow and orange) and teeny tiny screws, as the wheels were removable.

All of them had the Dragonball Z logo on the top, and on the bottom on the back. On the side was the branding, which read in white font: © 1999 B.S./S., T.A. Licensed by FUN.
The 8 different decks were basic stock images of Dragonball Z at the time, often with a bland gradient background.
A group image of Vegeta, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Goku and Piccolo, a shot of Super Saiyan Goten and Super Saiyan Trunks blasting Ki back to back, Shenron, Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, a side shot of Vegeta, Goku and Future Trunks, Piccolo with a bust of Piccolo behind him, and the stock image of Super Saiyan adult Gohan as seen on the packaging.
I got 1; Shenron.

My younger brother had several of these finger skateboards and later also the small finger BMX bikes back in the late 90s. At one point he even got a half pipe and some railings. But he wouldn’t let me play with it.
I went to the local Intertoys (toy shop) and found this Dragonball Z mini skateboard. There was only 1, and as the Dragonball geek that I was, bought it immediately (as at the time, I bought anything with Dragonball on it). Now we could both play with these finger skateboards, although my brother was now jealous of mine as it was Dragonball Z.
And as fads go, this one also quickly died out. My Dragonball Z skateboard just ended up in the my Dragonball collection, never to be skated with again.
It is definitely one of the weirdest Dragonball things I got, also one of the most 90s. It is such a piece of its time, it’s quite funny. I thought about getting rid of it a couple of times, but I like to use it for some toy photography, so I’ve kept it.
If you’re into vintage or Western merchandise of Dragonball Z, or just want something quirky and unique for your collection, these might be up your ally. I believe they made some Dragonball Z finger BMX bikes too.
If you want something a bit more mainstream, this is probably not for you.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below.