Series: Dragonball Z / Dragonball GT
Company: Bandai
Year: 1991-1996, 2003
Size: 3~14 cm
Main distribution: Japan, later re-released in America / Europe
Bandai released some of the first Action Figures of Dragonball when the show started airing in Japan. The line was called “Super Battle Collection” and 43 figures / sets were made. These were later re-released by KidzBiz, Giochi Preziosi and Irwin Toy, bringing them to the West. Bandai re-released the entire line again in 2003, updating their paint jobs with shading. Here you’ll find these.
Unlike Western figures, these Action Figures came in boxes. You could remove the figure and then later place it back in the box, which isn’t possible with a blister pack or clam shell which you have to break to get the figure out. The packaging focused on the character inside, with that character’s artwork on the box. In the top it would read “Super Battle Collection”, and they all had volume numbers.
The initial wave, the first 10 volumes, was made in Japan in 1991~1993, but production moved to China shortly after. The Japanese versions have MADE IN JAPAN on the bottom left corner and the packaging has a vertical stripe design. The later ones, considered the “standard” release, have MADE IN CHINA and have a diagonal stripe design on the box. The figures are exactly the same however.
In Italy Giochi Preziosi re-released these figures in 2000, combining them with AB Groupe’s Action Figures.
These also got re-released in 1999~2000 as well under Irwin Toy under the line “The Saga continues”, bringing the toys to America for the first time as it had started re-airing in 1998 and slowly became popular. Irwin Toy also combined these with the AB Groupe’s Action Figures. Irwin Toy also had blister packs, with generic purple/green and later dark blue cartons. Irwin Toy was also for sale in the Netherlands, mostly seen in comic book stores, possibly due to the American connection.
In 2003 Bandai re-released most of the line again with updated paint jobs, giving the figures better shading to compete with action figures of the time.
43 figures / sets were made. I got 8/43.
Dragonball Z
Vol. 1 Son Goku
Release date: 1991
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 2 Super Saiyan Son Goku
Release date: 1991
Vol. 2 Super Saiyan Son Goku -Gold Hair Variant-
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 3 Piccolo
Release date: 1992
Re-release date: 1996

Piccolo has articulation in his shoulders only. He is wearing his trademark purple gi. He comes with his weighted turban and weighted cape, which can be removed. The cape is made of a hard plastic, and exist out of 2 pieces that can click together by 2 pins. Piccolo has a stern but neutral face expression. His hands are 2 fists.

On the back of his shirt is the marking. As mine is Western a re-release, it reads:
© 96 B.S./S.. T.A. B. China
Vol. 4 Vegeta
Release date: 1992

This is considered the “standard” release, which is MADE IN CHINA and has a diagonal stripe design. The box is red with a white centre, and the window has a blue frame. Artwork of Vegeta from the Saiyan Saga is on the front, with a blue flame / ki in the background. It has his name VEGETA on the front as well as in Japanese ベジータ. The Bandai logo is in the bottom right. The top and sides of the box have a shot of the figure’s head. This is volume 4.

The back of the box is blue and has the same artwork of Vegeta and his name again, as well as the volume number. It shows the figure’s front and back, with and without armour. It also shows the first 6 figures of the line.

The box can be opened on either side to pull out the tray with the figure and armour pieces easily. This allows the figure to be easily removed out of the box and put back in the box.

Vegeta has articulation in his shoulders only. He is wearing his trademark Saiyan armour outfit from the Saiyan Saga; a skin-tight blue outfit with white gloves and white boots. The Saiyan armour exist out of 2 pieces that can click together by 4 pins. Vegeta has a stern and angry face expression. His hands are 2 fists.
On his back is the marking. It reads in black text: © 96 B.S./S.. T.A. B. China.
Vol. 5 Future Trunks
Release date: 1992
Vol. 6 Frieza (final form)
Release date: 1992
Vol. 7 Super Saiyan Vegeta
Release date: 1992
Vol. 7 Super Saiyan Vegeta -Gold Hair variant-
Release date: 1992
Vol. 8 Son Gohan
Release date: 1992
Vol. 9 Super Saiyan Son Gohan
Release date: 1992
Vol. 9 Super Saiyan Son Gohan -Gold Hair variant-
Release date: 1992
Vol. 10 Super Saiyan Broly
Release date: 1993
Vol. 10 Super Saiyan Broly -Gold Hair variant-
Release date: 1993
Vol. 11 Perfect Cell
Release date: 1994

The box is purple with a red centre, and the window has a blue/green frame. Artwork of Perfect Cell from the Cell / Cell Games Saga is on the front. It has his name CELL on the front as well as in Japanese セル. The Bandai logo is in the bottom right. The sides of the box have a headshot of the artwork. This is volume 11.

The back of the box has the same design as the front, purple with a red centre and has the same artwork of Cell and his name again, as well as the volume number. It shows the figure’s front and back and sides. It also shows the first 10 figures of the line.

The box can be opened on either side to pull out the tray with the figure, tail and wing pieces easily. This allows the figure to be easily removed out of the box and put back in the box.

Cell has articulation in his shoulders only. He is in his Perfect and final form. His arms can come off. His tail and wings are also separate pieces that can be plugged into the figure by a thick pin. Cell has a stern face expression. His hands are 2 fists.
Under his right foot is the marking. It reads in white text: © 96 B.S./S.. T.A. B. China.
Vol. 12 Super Saiyan Future Trunks
Vol. 12 Super Saiyan Future Trunks -Gold Hair variant-
Vol. 13 Super Saiyan Son Gohan Teen
Vol. 13 Super Saiyan Son Gohan Teen -Gold Hair variant-
Vol. 14 Great Saiyaman
Re-release date: 1996

Great Saiyaman has articulation in his shoulders only. He is wearing his trademark green gi, and comes with the bandana. He should also have a cape but mine is missing. Great Saiyaman has a stern expression on his face. His hands are 2 fists.
Interestingly they went with the bandana over the helmet look. They also didn’t give him sunglasses.
On the back bottom of his gi is the marking. As mine is likely a Western a re-release, it reads in white: © 96 B.S./S.. T.A. B. China
I got him in a lot of eBay.
Vol. 15 Son Goten
Vol. 16 Trunks
Vol. 17 Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku
Vol. 17 Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku -Gold Hair variant-
Release date: 1995
Re-release: 2003

This figure is exactly the same as the yellow haired version, except his hair is gold coloured. Goku has articulation in his shoulders only. He is wearing his trademark orange gi. He comes with his top separately. The top is made of a hard plastic, and exist out of 2 pieces that can click together by 4 pins. He should have a little strand of hair at the top of his face, but mine is missing this. Goku has a smirk on his face. His hands are 2 fists.

On the inside of his top, on the back piece, is the marking. It reads: © BS/S./ T.A. BANDAI 1995. Under his right foot in black it reads: CHINA.
I got him in a lot of eBay.
Vol. 18 Gotenks
Vol. 19 Super Saiyan Vegito
Vol. 19 Super Saiyan Vegito -Gold Hair variant-
Vol. 20 Majin Buu
Vol. 21 Gogeta
Vol. 21 Gogeta -Gold Hair variant-
Vol. 22 Vegito
Vol. 23 Kid Buu
Vol. 24 Super Saiyan Gotenks
Vol. 24 Super Saiyan Gotenks -Gold Hair variant-
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 25 Son Goku (blue gi, end of Z)
Release: 1997

The box is blue with a light blue centre, and the window has a yellow/golden frame. Artwork of Goku from the end of Z is on the front. It has his name SON GOKOU on the front as well as in Japanese 孫 悟空. The Bandai logo is in the bottom right. The sides of the box have a headshot of the artwork. This is volume 25.

The back of the box has the same design as the front, blue with a light blue centre and has the same artwork of Goku, although now full bodied, and his name again, as well as the volume number. It shows the figure’s front and back, with and without tops. It also shows the first 24 figures of the line.

The box can be opened on either side to pull out the tray with the figure and top pieces easily. This allows the figure to be easily removed out of the box and put back in the box.

Goku has articulation in his shoulders only. He is wearing his blue gi that he wears at the end Dragonball Z. The top exist out of 2 pieces that can click together by 4 pins and can therefor be removed of his body. Goku has a stern face expression. His hands are 2 fists.
On his back is the marking. It reads in black text: ©1989 BS/S./T.A. BANDAI 1997 MADE IN CHINA.
Vol. 26 Son Gohan ultimate version
Vol. 27 Super Saiyan Vegeta -Gold Hair variant-
No yellow hair variant exists from this point on anymore, and the previous ones got re-releases with gold hair.
Dragonball GT
Vol. 28 Son Goku & Pan
Vol. 29 Trunks & Gill
Release date: 1996
Re-release date: 2003

Trunks has articulation in his shoulders and neck. He is wearing his trademark DBGT outfit. He has a smirk on his face. His hands are 2 fists.
As this is the 2003 re-shaded re-release, he has shading on his paint job, most notable in his elbows and hair.
Under his feet is the marking. As mine is the re-shaded re-release, under his left foot it reads in black print: © 1996 BS/S./T.A. BANDAI 2003 China. Under his right foot it reads in black print: 92403
Gill has no articulation. He comes on a white base. Under the base is the marking. It reads in black print: 22403 © 1996 BS/S./T.A. BANDAI 2003 China.
Vol. 30 Super Saiyan Son Goku – Gold Hair-
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 31 Super Saiyan Trunks -Gold Hair-
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 32 Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku -Gold Hair-
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 33 Vegeta & Baby -Gold Hair-
Release date: 1996
Re-release: 2003

Vegeta has articulation in his shoulders. He is wearing his trademark DBGT outfit. He comes with 2 heads, regular and Super Saiyan with gold hair. He has a smirk on his face, and a stern angry expression on his Super Saiyan face. His hands are 2 fists.
Under his left foot is the marking. It reads in black print: © 1996 BS/S./T.A. BANDAI China.
As I bought mine second hand, I do not have Baby that comes with him.
Vol. 34 Super Baby Vegeta
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 35 Super Saiyan Son Gohan & Son Goten -Gold Hair-
Vol. 36 Uub
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 37 Super Baby Ultimate Version
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 38 Super Saiyan 4 Son Goku
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 39 Oozaru Baby -Gold Hair-
Vol. 40 Super Android #17
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 41 Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 42 Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Re-release: 2003
Vol. 00!! Son Goku perfect version
The final figure was the ultimate Goku figure, which came with separate heads for all his Super Saiyan forms, and interchangeable arms.
2003 re-shaded re-release

Despite having Son Goku & Pan on the box, these were never re-released with updated paint jobs. Factories placed stickers saying “Sold Out” over these figures, which has been removed on my box here, hence the damage there. Also, despite the box showing yellow haired versions, they were all re-released with gold hair. Vol 00, not pictured on the box, was also re-released.
In this re-release, they removed the volume numbers.
I got Trunks & Gill of this re-release.
Giochi Preziosi
Release date: 2000

Giochi Preziosi re-released these figures in Italy. This lineup included Piccolo (re-release of Vol. 3), Super Saiyan Vegeta (re-release of Vol. 7), Goku (re-release of Vol. 1), Super Saiyan Vegito (re-release of Vol. 19) and re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I have 1/4; Piccolo.
Irwin Toy The Saga Continues
The Saga Continues
Release date: 2000

Irwin Toy also re-released these figures in America. This set consists out Super Saiyan Goku (re-release of Vol. 2), Gohan (re-release of Vol. 8), and re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I got 0/2.
The Saga Continues – Series 1
The Saga continues Series 1 consists out of Frieza (re-release of Vol. 6), Super Saiyan Goku (re-release of Vol. 2), Vegeta (re-release of Vol. 4), Piccolo (re-release of Vol. 3), Goku (re-release of Vol. 1), Super Saiyan Vegeta (re-release of Vol. 7) and Future Trunks (re-release of Vol. 5).
I got 1/7; Piccolo.
The Saga Continues – Series 2
The Saga continues Series 2 consists out of Super Saiyan Gohan (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 9), Super Saiyan Goku (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 2), Gohan (re-release of Vol. 8), Piccolo (re-release of Vol. 3 / Series 1), Goku (re-release of Vol. 1 / Series 1), Super Saiyan Broly (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 10) and Super Saiyan Vegito (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 22).
I got 1/7; Piccolo.
The Saga Continues – Series 3
The Saga continues Series 3 consists out of Goten (re-release of Vol. 15), Super Saiyan Gohan (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 25), Super Saiyan Future Trunks (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 12), Trunks (re-release of Vol. 16), Perfect Cell (re-release of Vol. 11) and a re-release of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I got 0/5.
The Saga Continues – Series 4
The Saga continues Series 4 consists out of Goku (re-release of Vol. 1 / Series 1 / Series 2), Super Saiyan Goku (re-release of Vol. 2 / Series 1), Majin Buu (re-release of Vol. 20), Super Saiyan Gogeta (re-release of Vol. 21), Vegito (re-release of Vol. 22), Kid Buu (re-release of Vol. 23) and Super Saiyan Vegeta (gold variant) (re-release of Vol. 27).
I got 0/7.
The Saga Continues – Series 5
The Saga continues Series 5 consists out of Goten (re-release of Vol. 15 / Series 3), Piccolo (re-release of Vol. 3) and re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I got 1/2; Piccolo.
The Saga Continues – Series 6
Release date: 1999
The Saga continues Series 6 consists out of re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
The Saga Continues – Series 7
Release date: 1999
The Saga continues Series 7 consists out of re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
The Saga Continues – Series 8
Release date: 1999

The Saga continues Series 8 consists out Super Saiyan Gotenks (re-release of Vol. 24), Super Saiyan 3 Goku (re-release of Vol. 17), Super Saiyan Goku (re-release of Vol. 2), Gotenks (re-release of Vol. 18) and re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I got 0/4.
The Saga Continues – Series 9
Release date: 1999
The Saga continues Series 9 consists out of re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
The Saga Continues – Series 10
Release date: 1999
The Saga continues Series 10 consists out of re-releases of AB Groupe’s Super Guerriers Articule.
I was a massive Dragonball fan at the time, and one of the first series I truly collected besides the Lion King. I spent all my pocket money on these, and harassed my family to go out to the bigger cities so I could buy these once I had saved up some.
I also travelled almost weekly by train to Sittard to the Atomic comic bookshop to buy cards and figures, mostly from Irwin Toy. I’d also traded with other people on markets in Belgium and friends in school in the Netherlands for merchandise we had scored somewhere that was unavailable to the other. On a schooltrip to Italy, I bought some Giochi Preziosi.
This was a time before internet, and we hunted for these figures in all the shops. Trading and selling on was a huge part of collecting, especially then, and it created some cool friendships.
As I mostly had the AB Groupe figures and Irwin Toy figures, these always looked odd to me. Despite them coming in Irwin Toy packaging, even as a kid I could tell these were different. The armour was hard, and I was scared I would lose or break them. I bought Piccolo in Italy as I didn’t have a Piccolo figure yet, but he was never the favourite. I also bought a Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks there. Because they had gold hair, and all the ones I had seen from others were yellow, I disliked them and sold them off! Regret that now ha!
The Dragonball GT figures were different to me however. They didn’t have the removable hard armour, and the West didn’t get much if any DBGT Action Figures. I bought Trunks & Gill of a friend on a Belgium market. I found the Vegeta on the back of the box awesome (something about Vegeta in leather pants is cool), and I bought him later online.
We used to have Cell too. My mum found him on a market once, and me and brothers would fight over him. My mum once found his tail and thought it was an ice cream cone with mint ice cream in it, so we nicknamed this figure “Icecream Cell”. I think it got sold at some point? Either way we lost it.
As I tried to go for the Irwin Toy Action Figures, I always kind of ignored the Bandai Super Battle Collection. However, I like the nostalgia and history of them, and wouldn’t mind getting more of them now. Especially the Asian boxed ones.
When I found a collection on eBay, boxed, in the UK, for reasonable prices (although auction) I knew I had to try and get some. Not all where in best condition or complete, and as I couldn’t afford all of them anyway, I focussed on my favourites. I lost out on a gold Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta as the bids went too high, but I managed to snag up Vegeta from the Saiyan Saga. I had to get our ice cream Cell back too, so I managed to get him too. Lastly I went for end of Z Goku, as there’s not many merchandise / figures out of him. I’m so glad I managed to get these boxed!
Maybe one day I get all 43.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!