Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection – Pyramid

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid

Series: Super Mario, Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda

Company: Pyramid

Release: 2018

Size: 10x10cm

Main distribution: Germany / Europe / UK

Barcode: 5050574895545

This is an officially licensed set of coasters with Gameboy box art.

Pyramid International have a few products with Nintendo box art on it, like coasters, wooden panels and posters, as well as a few rubber keychain designs of the gameboy and SNES controller. All are officially licensed.

I got the coasters.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - back

The set consists out of 4 Gameboy games covers; Super Mario Land, Super Mario Land 2 – 6 Golden Coins, Donkey Kong and the Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - Super Mario Land

Each coaster has the PAL box art on it of the game.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins

Due to the PAL Gameboy boxes being square, they fit perfectly as a square coaster.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - Donkey Kong

Each print has a protective smooth layer on top, for easy wiping drinks off it.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Despite the title, no other set of coasters was made however.

Gameboy Classic Coaster Collection by Pyramid - Coaster back

The back of the coasters is basic hard cork, preventing slipping.

I see homemade versions of Gameboy box art coasters all the time, especially at cons. As they’re easy to make yourselves as well, I never go for them. So I was a bit surprised to find an officially licensed set of them. And in Tedi of all places, for €3! (I think the RRP is £10)

My aunt lives just over the German border, so I end up shopping in Germany quite often. Tedi is a bit of a cheap everything shop, like B&M in the UK and Action in the Netherlands. So to find these here was a surprise. I’m expecting it’s some old dead stock, seeing I bought it 6 years after original release.

The coasters are nice and basic, and I figured they would add some nerdy nostalgic fun in the house. I’m not too precious about them, it’s just coasters and reprinted box art after all, but still they’re nice to have and use. I love practical merchandise.

If you like Nintendo, Gameboy, Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, PAL boxart or practical merchandise, you’ll like these.

Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own geeky house wares? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!

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