Dragonball Z History Box – Banpresto

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto

Series: Dragon Ball / Dragon Ball Z

Company: Banpresto

Year: 2021+

Size: 14 cm

Main distribution: Japan, in crane games

These are boxed figures that come in a line called “History Box” from Banpresto. They can only be won in crane games in Japan. Several figures have been released.

15 figures so far have been released.

I got 1/15.

Vol 1 Son Goku [VS Majin Buu “Genkidama”]
Release date: 31 March 2021

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 1 Son Goku [VS Majin Buu "Genkidama"]

Vol 2 Super Saiyan Son Goku [Cell Game “Teleport”]
Release date: 15 March 2022

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 2 Super Saiyan Son Goku [Cell Game "Teleport"]

Vol 3 Super Saiyan Son Goku [VS Frieza]
Release date: 31 August 2022

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 3 Super Saiyan Son Goku [VS Frieza]

Vol 4 Son Goku [VS King Piccolo]
Release date: 31 October 2022

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 4 Son Goku [VS King Piccolo]

Vol 5 Frieza [At Planet Namek]
Release date: 21 December 2022

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 5 Frieza [At Planet Namek]

Vol 6 Bardock [At Planet Meat]
Release date: March 2023

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 6 Bardock [At Planet Meat]

Vol 7 Orange Piccolo
Release date: 24 August 2023

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 7 Orange Piccolo

Vol 8 Son Gohan [Beast]
Release date: September 2023

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 8 Son Gohan [Beast]

Vol 9 Super Saiyan Son Goku
Release date: 16 November 2023

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 9 Super Saiyan Son Goku

This figure is based on Goku’s final farewell to Kid Buu.

Panel of the Dragonball Manga, chapter 516, where Goku salutes Kid Buu
© Akira Toriyama, Dragonball Chapter 516

Vol 10 Super Saiyan Son Gohan
Release date: 18 January 2024

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 10 Super Saiyan Son Gohan

Vol 11 Ultimate Gohan
Release date: 5 March 2024

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 11 Ultimate Gohan

Vol 12 Majin Vegeta
Release date: 24 April 2024

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Vol 12 Majin Vegeta

Son Goku
Release date: November 2024

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Son Goku

I have this figure.

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Son Goku (boxed)

The box is mainly black, with a sepia filter background and the figure on the box on all sides. It seems the numerical volumes are gone and it’s simply called Son Goku now.

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Son Goku (front)

The figure itself is quite small, about 14 cm tall. Goku is in his trademark orange gi, and has angel wings and a halo. He is looking over his shoulder and waving. The details are quite blocky but nice overall. The halo is attached to his hair and Goku is on a cloud base. This gives the overall illusion of floating bits without the use of transparent plastic.

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Son Goku (back)

The figure is made from a few different materials, although all plastic. The wings and halo are soft plastic, and have a bit of a give and rubbery feel. Goku is made from a harder plastic, and feels quite nice. The cloud base is made of a hard, hollow plastic and feels a bit cheap. The branding is hidden underneath the cloud and reads in a raised font: © B/S·T BSP. VIETNAM. In black font underneath is printed 2720633.

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Son Goku (close up face)

His face looks quite nice and the overall painting of the figure is spot on.

Screenshot of the Japanese anime Dragonball Z ending "We Were Angels", depicting Goku as angel
Dragonball Z
We Were Angels
© Toei Animation

The figure represents the shot from the original Japanese Dragonball Z anime ending theme song “We Were Angels” (僕達は天使だった Boku-Tachi wa Tenshi Datta), that ran from Episode 200 to 291 (the final episode).

Majin Vegeta
Release date: August 2025

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Majin Vegeta

Release date: August 2025

Dragonball Z History Box by Banpresto - Bulma

I don’t usually go for “statues”, and prefer action figures to pose. Most Dragonball statues also look really intense. A lot of rough men in battle poses, or screaming and powering up, or women often portrayed sexy. I like more “casual” stances and mundane scenes to display, or once that depict a particular artwork or scene.

So when I saw this figure of Goku as an angel, based on the anime ending, and soon after Akira Toriyama had died, it felt like a nice piece to have, despite not being a fan of Goku. I know there’s a larger figure of this out as well in an Ichiban Kuji, but that figure is quite large and I don’t have the space for it. It’s also more expensive. And that one comes on a transparent plastic stand, which I’m not a fan of. So I figured this smaller piece would do well.

The figure was smaller than I was expecting, despite knowing it was going to be small. I know a lot of people online complain about the History Box series, but I don’t think it’s that bad if you know what to expect. It’s a crane game price after all. The detail looks ok all things considered and most importantly Goku’s face looks nice (some figures can have derpy faces in my opinion). My only gripe with the figure is that it seems to lean forward a lot. I wished Goku was angled a bit more upwards. I also wasn’t expecting him to be glued stuck on the cloud, but it matters little I guess. Overall it’s a nice figure, for a decent price and probably my favourite out of this line. I don’t think I’ll end up buying any of the others however.

I love getting 3D renditions of official 2D art. And although this is from the anime instead of Akira Toriyama’s art, it’s a great rendition of a very iconic scene that is just so nostalgic to me I had to have it. I have it on display in my house now among my other goodies.

If you’re into statues, there are better and bigger once to get. However, if you’re budget or space is limited, these aren’t that bad. They depict some nice iconic scenes.
If you rather have poseable figures, you’d give these a miss.

Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!

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