Company: Bluebird
Year: 1989-1997
Size: various
Main distribution: Europe / America
Polly Pocket are a bunch of playsets existing out of compacts with tiny dolls. Little buildings and rings were also made. Polly Pocket has gone through various iterations over the years and are still made today. I’ll only list the classic Polly Pockets here though, as those are the ones I grew up with and prefer. The Disney ones I have listed here.
Many sets of Polly Pocket were made, but I’ll only list the ones I have here, by date. I prefer the compacts, so you’ll most likely won’t find the buildings here, although a few rings might appear.
Midge’s Bumper Car
Release date: 1989
Sadly I only have the doll of this ring.
Several colour variations exists of this set. I appear to have the one that was a mail-away.

Midge has strawberry blond straight hair with bangs and is wearing a red dungaree with yellow shirt and yellow shoes. Her base is also yellow. There is no branding underneath her base.
Polly’s Beach House
Release date: 1989
Sadly I only have 1 doll of this set.

The set comes with 2 dolls; Polly and Wee Willie. I only have Wee Willie. Wee Willie has blond hair and is wearing a yellow shirt, blue pants and white shoes. His base is also white.
Mr. Fry’s Restaurant
Release date: 1990

This set is a pink, flower compact. The front simply has the Polly Pocket logo in gold, and there is a bit of relief towards the petals.

The back shows the Bluebird logo, and has the branding. It reads in raised font: Bluebird, BLUEBIRD TOYS PLC., SWINDON, ENGLAND ©1990 MADE IN CHINA.

The inside shows the restaurant. In the upright section is the kitchen, an eating area with seats and square tables and a fireplace, and an entrance door. In the floor section is a dining area, with round, dressed tables and seats. There’s 2 holes for the dolls to stand in and the front door opens.

The set comes with 2 dolls; Mr. Fry and Dishy. Mr. Fry has blond hair and is wearing a white chef hat and a white suit with a black bowtie. He wears black shoes. His base is also black. Dishy has blond hair parted in the center, and is wearing a waitress outfit; a black long sleeved dress with a white apron. She wears white shoes. Her base is white.
Polly’s Hairdressing Salon
Release date: 1990
Polly and Pixie have a beautiful hairdressing salon. All the girls go there to have their hair done – and some of the boys too! Polly loves doing her friend’s hair and making them look even prettier. When there’s a party, Polly and Pixie can make their friends look wonderful. Sometimes the friends all get together in Polly’s salon and try new hairstyles, to see what will suit them. It’s great fun!

This set is a yellow, octagonal compact. The front simply has the Polly Pocket logo in gold.

The back shows the Bluebird logo, and has the branding. It reads in raised font: Bluebird, BLUEBIRD TOYS PLC., SWINDON, ENGLAND ©1990 MADE IN CHINA.

The inside shows the hairdressing salon. In the upright section is a tanning bed and closet, seats with hair dryers and a little storage room. In the floor section is the main salon, with work stations, a waiting area and reception / registry. There’s 2 holes for the dolls to stand in and the front door opens.

The set comes with 2 dolls; Polly and Pixie. Polly has blond, curly hair and is wearing a green headband, an orange long sleeved shirt and purple pants and shoes. Her base is also purple. Pixie has brown hair parted in the center, and is wearing a white dress with blue cuffs and a red dot on her chest on the left side. She wears blue shoes. Her base is also blue.
Polly and her puppies
Release date: 1993
Polly loves her two furry puppies Rags and Tinker, and really likes to stroke and play with them. They each have a comfy basket with a blanket in it, a nice bowl and some squeaky toys and bones to play with. Polly loves looking after them, especially giving them a bath in her bathtub!

This set is a small, pink, heart compact. The front simply has the Polly Pocket logo in gold.

The back shows the Bluebird logo, and has the branding. It reads in raised font: Bluebird, BLUEBIRD TOYS PLC., SWINDON, ENGLAND ©1993 MADE IN CHINA.

The inside shows Polly’s house and yard. In the upright section is her house with a chaise and bathroom. In the floor section is the yard, with 2 baskets for the dogs and feeding dishes and toys. There’s 2 holes and 1 large hole for the dolls to stand in; 1 in the basket, 1 outside and a large one in the other basket. The front gate opens.

The set comes with 3 dolls; Polly, Tinker and Rags. Polly has blond, curly hair and is wearing a blue headband, an pink dress with puffy shoulders and a blue collar and green shoes. Her base is also green. She is holding a green brush with yellow bristles in her right hand. Tinker is a small, brown flocked dog standing on his hind legs. His base is white. Rags is a large, brown flocked dog standing on all fours. His base is white.
Polly and her kittens
Release date: 1993
Sadly I only have 1 doll of this set.

The set comes with 3 dolls; Polly, a small kitten and a large kitten. I only have Polly. Polly has blond, curly hair and is wearing a purple dress with a white bowtie and white shoes. Her base is also white. She is holding a pink ball of yarn in her right hand.
Polly’s Pony Show
Release date: 1994
Polly and her pony Midnight are preparing for the County Pony Show tomorrow. Up in the tack room, Polly is polishing his saddle to a gloss beside the open window, while down in the paddock, Midnight waits patiently until Polly is ready to come and groom him and plait his mane and tail. They’re both really excited, and hope they’ll win another cup or some rosettes to decorate the tack room wall!

This set is a small, horse-shaped compact. The horse is yellow, with blue eyes, a pink mane and purple flowers around her neck. On top of her head is a purple bowtie, and on this is the Polly Pocket PP logo in gold and blue.

The back shows the Bluebird logo, and has the branding. It reads in raised font: Bluebird, BLUEBIRD TOYS PLC., SWINDON, ENGLAND ©1994 MADE IN CHINA.

The inside shows barn and stable. In the upright section is the barn; with a trophy loft and tack room. In the floor section is the stable, with a little paddock. There’s 2 holes for the dolls to stand in, a small and a large one. The gate of the horse stall opens, as well as the shutters for the window.

The set comes with 2 dolls; Polly and Midnight. Polly has blond, curly hair and is wearing a blue riding hat, a white long sleeved shirt and purple pants. She also has green shoes. Her base is also green. Her legs split apart so she can ride the horse. Midnight is a large, black flocked horse standing on all fours. He wears a mint green saddle. His base is white.
I liked the Polly Pockets when I was a kid, but didn’t have many. I’m guessing they were expensive and we were quite poor. I only had 2 rings and 1 locket of Polly; Circus Pony Ring, Sammie on a Skateboard and the Keep Fit Locket (as well as the Lion King).
Unfortunately I lost my Polly Pockets (they were in perfect condition too!). I’ve been keeping an eye out for any cheap ones I find and casually collect them now that I can. They won’t always be in perfect condition; I have many that are sun damaged, or have little cosmetic issues here and there. But this is to be expected and the price I pay for them reflects this seeing I’m only going after the cheaper one. I rather have complete sets in less perfect condition than perfect incomplete sets. I sometimes also find extra dolls in the compacts, hence I have a few loose ones. I’ll probably won’t find every compact, but it’s nice to look out for when bargain hunting.
I do hope to find my childhood ones again, in as good a condition as possible.
If you like tiny things, little scenes and cute playsets, Polly Pocket is great for you.
The classic ones can be expensive now, but the modern ones are still in shops today.
If you like bigger toys, these won’t be for you.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any Polly Pockets? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!