Company: Just Toys Intl
Release date: 2022
Size: +/- 5cm
Main distribution: Europe / America
Barcode: 797776907236
Kirby Squishme are little stress balls / squishies of Kirby made by Just Toys. Each Kirby is differently scented.
Just Toys has a bunch of anime and game licenses and seem to make mostly blindbags of keychains and squishies, as well as the occasional plush.
These Kirby Squishme however have a transparent window in the packaging so you can see which one you buy.

There are 8 different Kirby to get, all in different poses. Although the packaging doesn’t state it, each one is individually scented in vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, etc. according to their official website.
I got 1/8.
Flying Kirby

Flying Kirby is in his flying pose, with his hands in the air, feet behind him, and a full mouth with stuffed cheeks. The face is simply printed on the foam. The branding is on his back, which reads in raised font “© Nintendo / HAL” and in black printed above that is “YN20220910”. The ‘squish’ is quite firm and something akin to foam, harder than a sponge or jellylike material. It bounces back quite rapidly as well.
I think this one is cherry scented.
I spotted this one in the Works, and bought a pack for fun. I figured the flying, full mouth, Kirby was fitting to squish so picked that one. His face was already a little cracked when I bought him, but there were no other flying ones left, and I figured it’ll be inevitable anyway.
I didn’t realise they were scented, or I probably wouldn’t have bought it on a whim. I can be quite funny with strong smells. Although he definitely smells, I need to hold him quite close to my nose to smell it. Mine is quite sickly sweet to be honest, and I’m guessing it’s cherry. Cotton candy also comes to mind.
I have him on my work desk as I like to fidget during meetings. I have a bunch of little toys to fidget with here and a stress ball was still lacking. I wouldn’t collect all of them though, just one for this purpose was enough.
If you like Kirby, squishies or fidget toys this is a nice themed one. Keep in mind they’re scented if you’re sensitive for that.
If you’re into higher end collectables, you might want to give this a miss.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own these squishies and if so what do yours smell like? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!