Series: Dragonball GT
Company: Panini
Year: 1999
Main distribution: Europe
Barcode: 8424248210182
These are trading cards from Dragonball GT by Panini. This is Serie 2. The series exists out of 140 cards, with the last 20 being special clear cards.
Panini is an Italian company headquartered in Modena, Italy, named after the Panini brothers who founded it in 1961. Mostly known for its collectable stickers and cards, they also produce books, comics, magazines and other items through its collectibles and publishing subsidiaries.
Here I’ll show my Dragonball GT Serie 2.
The cards are recognisable as having a faded, purple Dragonball GT along the side, with the Dragonball GT logo on a corner.
The backs feature a light purple swirl, with a faded image from the front, accompanied with some (Italian) text, Dragonball GT, Serie 2, Panini and the card number in the corner.
They came in packs of 6. The packaging features Goku Trunks and Pan with Baby in the background.
I got 90/140.

Alongside the Artbox series these Panini series started to appear in my local shops at the time. Because they were Dragonball GT and Italian (and therefor foreign to us), they were less desirable. For some reason Serie 2 was also available before Serie 1 where I lived.
Serie 2 was everywhere at the time, whereas Serie 1 seemed a bit rarer because of this. Despite that I managed to get about the same amount of cards for both series. I did manage to trade Serie 2 for a bit though, hence some cards being in a bit of a rougher state.
Although I tried to get the full set, I never managed. Maybe one day I get to finish it.
I still have a double left if anyone wants to trade or buy (95)?
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these cards? Or do you have the full set? Would you like to trade any? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!
Hello Jenny,
I like your blog about the dragon ball GT trading cards, i was searching the internet for Dragon ball trading cards and came across your site.
I also collected the GT series (1and2) and i’m missing from series 2 12/140
numbers: 6, 7, 11, 26, 30, 55, 65, 103, 107, 133 and 138.
I also got alot of doubles
80/140 doubles serie GT 2 (80 single numbers)
I also collect DBZ series 1 from 1996, only need nr. 27 to complete.
DBZ serie from 1998 – 1999 – 2000, need more cards to complete.
Got alot of doubles from serie 1 1996 and the serie from 1998
Meaby we can trade some.
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards
Peter Witte
Hi Peter.
Apologies for the late approval and reply. I had to step away from the site for a while. Always a pleasure to find a fellow collector.
I’d be open to trade doubles if you like. Feel free to email me at info [at] jennystroom.nl
Kind regards,