Series: Dragon Ball Z
Company: Irwin Toy
Year: 1999-2002
Size: 4~14cm
Main distribution: America / Europe
Irwin Toy was a Canadian distributor and manufacturer of toys. They started off by re-releasing Dragonball Z Action Figures of Bandai, AB Groupe and Dorda Toys, bringing these toys to America, before making their own Dragonball Z Action Figures. They made 56 different ones, and here you can find them.
The figures came in blister packs. The first few were re-releases of Bandai, AB Groupe and Dorda Toys under “The Saga continues”. They had generic cardboards, purple/green-ish or dark blue. You can find these by following their respective links.
In 1999 they started producing their own Action Figures. These also came in blister packs, with a generic dark blue carton, but also listed what Saga of the show the figure came from. These figures had better articulation, adding in knees for example. Their paint jobs also improved over time. They came with accessories that were appropriate, like pets or capes. Several collectables were added, like medaillons and official CTCG promo cards.
Overal 56 figures / sets were made. I got 31/56.
Series 1
Series 1 existed out of Master Roshi & Turtle (Saiyan Saga), Bulma & Ginyu frog (Frieza Saga), Garlic Jr. (Garlic Jr. Saga), Nappa (Saiyan Saga) and Raditz (Saiyan Saga).
These were nice as there were no figures of these Characters yet. Also interesting to note is there is no Goku, the main Character! Possibly due to already several Goku’s being on the market.
I have 1/5 of these.

Nappa has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is made from a hard, shiny plastic. He is wearing his Saiyan armour. He comes with a scouter but mine is missing this. It would go on his left ear, where mine has the broken peg left in. He has a smirk on his face. He has a open left hand and a fist for a right hand.
Under his left foot it reads in indented font: Licensed by FUN. ® Irwin China. And under his right foot it reads in indented font: © 2000 B.S./S.,T.A.
Series 2
Release date: 2000
Series 2 existed out of Burter (Ginyu Saga), Jeice (Ginyu Saga), Frieza (second form) (Frieza Saga), Yajirobi & Korin (Saiyan Saga) and Chiaotzu (Saiyan Saga).
Again these were cool as there were no figures of these Characters yet. And still no Goku!
I have 1/5 of these.

Burter has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is made from a hard, shiny plastic. He is wearing his Ginyu armour with a green scouter and his expression looks angry, with gritted teeth. He has a open right hand and a fist for a left hand.
On the back bottom of his armour it reads in raised font: IRWIN. Under his left foot it reads in raised font: Licensed by FUN. ® CHINA. And under his right foot it reads in raised font: © 2000 B.S./S.,T.A.
Series 3
Release Date: 2000

Series 3 existed out of Chi-Chi (Garlic Jr. Saga), Dende (Frieza Saga), Future Trunks (Trunks Saga), King Kai & Bubbles (Saiyan Saga) and Krillin (Saiyan Saga).
Now some figures came with Dragonballs. And still no Goku!
I have 5/5 of these.

Barcode: 069545407613
Chi-Chi has articulation on the shoulders, neck and waist. She also has them on her legs, but her hard skirt prevents these from moving too much. Her scarf around her neck is loose. She is wearing a purple dress, with a orange waistband and her expression looks happy. She has 2 open hands.
On the back of her skirt on the bottom is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2000 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
Barcode: 069545407620
Dende has articulation on the shoulders and neck. He also has them on his legs, but his hard clothes prevents these from moving too much. He is wearing his trademark white garb with purple waistband. He also has a vest made out of a stretchable rubber that can be taken off. His expression is stern. He has a fist and a open palm for hands. He also came with 2 Dragonballs.
On the back of his vest is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2000 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
Future Trunks
Barcode: 069545407637
Future Trunks has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He came with a sword that can be placed in the scabbard on his back or be held in his open hand. He wears his trademark purple vest. He has a fist and an open hand. His expression is stern but neutral. On the back of his scabbard is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2000 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
King Kai & Bubbles
Barcode: 069545407644
King Kai has articulation on his head and shoulders. He also has them on his legs, but his hard clothes prevents these from moving too much. He wears his trademark Kai clothing. He has 2 open hands and a slightly open mouth. On the back of his clothing is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2000 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
The figure is accompanied by Bubbles. Bubbles has articulation in the shoulders. On his butt is the marking which reads the same in a raised font.
Barcode: 069545407651
Krillin has articulation on his head, shoulders, waist, legs and knees. He is wearing his orange gi with the 亀 / Kame or Turtle symbol. His expression is stern and angry and has 2 fists. He also came with 2 Dragonballs. Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by Fun. ® China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: © 2000 B.S./S.,T.A. Irwin.
Series 4
Release date: 2001

Series 4 existed out of Vegeta (Androids Saga), Goku (Androids Saga), Android #17 (Androids Saga), Android #18 (Androids Saga) and Piccolo (Androids Saga).
Now all figures came with Dragonballs. And they also inserted collectable medaillons. And finally more main cast was made, like Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo.
I have 5/5 of these.

Barcode: 069545431311
Vegeta has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing the armour Bulma made for him, and has an angry expression on his face. He has 2 fists.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by Fun. ® China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: © 2001 B.S./S.,T.A. Irwin.
Barcode: 069545431328
Goku has articulation on the shoulders, neck, waist, legs and knees. He is wearing his trademark orange gi with the 悟 / Go symbol. His expression is stern. His hands are in a martial arts claw stance.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by Fun. ® China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: © 2001 B.S./S.,T.A. Irwin.
Interestingly the figure on the packaging does not have the 悟 symbol on his gi.
Android #17
Barcode: 069545431335
Android #17 has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing his signature outfit. He also comes with a separate belt and gun holster, that can be clipped on. His expression is neutral, and his hands are 2 fists.
On the back of his shirt is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2001 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
Android #18
Barcode: 069545431342
Android #18 has articulation on the shoulders, neck and waist. She also has articulation on her legs, but her hard skirt prevents these from moving too much. She comes in her sleeveless jean jacket and jean skirt with cowgirl boots. Her expression is stern and she has an open hand and a fist.
On the back of her skirt is the marking. It reads in raised font:
© 2001 B.S./S.,T.A. Licensed by Fun. ® Irwin China
Piccolo has articulation on the shoulders, neck, hips and knees. He wears his iconic purple gi outfit and comes with the white cape and hat. The hat can be removed. His expression is serious and he has a fist for a left hand and a right open hand.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by Fun. ® China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: © 2001 B.S./S.,T.A. Irwin.
He was packaged with the medallion Garlic Junior Saga #4.
Series 5
Release date: 2001
Series 5 existed out of Dr. Gero / Android #20 (Androids Saga), Super Saiyan Vegeta (Cell Saga), Super Saiyan Goku (Cell Saga), Future Trunks (Cell Saga) and Super Saiyan Gohan (Cell Saga).
Again these came with Dragonballs and collectable medaillons. Future Trunks is called Teen Trunks for some reason.
I have 4/5 of these.
The Future Trunks of mine is metallic, because it belongs to the set Trunks Hover Car. I bought mine loose second hand though, so I do not have the vehicle. As it’s the same figure, just different paint, I’ve included him here. I will try and get the normal paintjob one too. I got a second Super Saiyan Gohan who is missing his cape.

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Vegeta has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing the armour that Bulma made. He looks a lot like Series 4 Vegeta, but his hands and face have changed molds. His expression is stern, and he looks annoyed. His left hand is a fist, where as his right is open. His hair is yellow as he’s a Super Saiyan.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©2001 B.S./S., T.A. Licensed by FUN ®.
Super Saiyan Goku
Goku has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing his trademark orange gi, with no master logo on it. He looks a lot like Series 4 Goku, but his hands and face have changed molds, as well as he’s missing sleeves on his arms and no longer has the tie at the front of his waist. His expression is stern, and he looks slightly angry. His hands are open. His arms do not appear to have sleeves, but the blue is painted on in is such a way it looks like he has them. His hair is yellow as he’s a Super Saiyan.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©2001 B.S./S., T.A. Licensed by FUN ®.
Future Trunks
Trunks has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. Due to his long hair the neck can’t be moved a lot. He is wearing the armour that Bulma made. His expression is stern. His hands are fists. He’s having long hair due to having spent time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and it hasn’t been cut yet.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©2001 B.S./S., T.A. Licensed by FUN ®.
Trunks has a shiny paint job, making his clothes appear metallic, due to being from the Trunks Hover Car set.
Super Saiyan Gohan
Gohan has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing a purple gi, like Piccolo. He also comes with a white cape, which is non removable. I got a second Gohan without the cape as well. His expression is stern, and he looks serious. His hands are open. His hair is yellow as he’s a Super Saiyan.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©2001 B.S./S., T.A. Licensed by FUN ®.
Series 6
Release date: 2001

Series 6 existed out of Super Saiyan Future Trunks (Perfect Cell Saga), Android #16 (Androids Saga), Android #19 (Androids Saga), Perfect Cell & Cell Jr (Cell Games Saga) and Super Saiyan Goku (Cell Games Saga).
Again these came with Dragonballs and collectable medaillons. Irwin Toy now stepped up their paint job with shading and creating a very unique look to the figures.
I have 1/5 of these.

Super Saiyan Future Trunks
Barcode: 069545435319
Trunks has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing the armour that Bulma made, the same as Vegeta’s. His expression is angry and stern, and his hands are 2 fists. His hair has a speckled effect, and his blue outfit looks almost airbrushed. There is shading on his armour, gloves and boots.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © B.S./S.T.A. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by FUN ® Irwin China.
Series 7
Release date: 2002

Series 7 existed out of Goku (Androids Saga), Great Saiyaman (Great Saiyaman Saga), Spopovich (World Tournament Saga), Majin Vegeta (Babidi Saga) and Super Saiyan Teen Gohan (Great Saiyaman Saga). Later also a Super Saiyan Majin Vegeta (Babidi Saga).
The Goku appears to be a re-release of the Goku from series 4, but with the updated paint job. Majin Vegeta was interesting as in the show you only saw Majin Vegeta as a Super Saiyan. There was quite some commotion over this at the time, as I recall magazines writing about it. A re-release as a Super Saiyan was made.
Again these came with Dragonballs and now with CTCG promo cards.
I have 4/5 of these.

Great Saiyaman
Barcode: 069545436248
Great Saiyaman has articulation on the shoulders, neck and knees. He also has articulation on his legs, but his cloth prevents this from moving too much. He is wearing his signature outfit. He came with 2 heads that are interchangeable. One with the helmet, and one with the bandanna. His expression is stern but neutral on both of them. His hands are 2 fists. He has great shading everywhere.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Spopovich has articulation on his shoulders and legs. He is wearing his trademark outfit. He has an intense, angry expression. He has an open hand and a fist. I bought him second hand so I do not have his accessory that drains energy from people. I imagine it fits in his open hand. He has great shading everywhere.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Majin Vegeta
Majin Vegeta has articulation on the shoulders, head, legs and knees. He is wearing his simple blue outfit with white gloves and boots. He has a smirk on his face as well as the ]V[ symbol on his head. He has 2 fists. He is not a Super Saiyan, which is quite unusual. He has great shading everywhere.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Super Saiyan Teen Gohan
Gohan has articulation on the shoulders, neck, legs and knees. He is wearing his simple blue training gi with orange waist accents. He has a confident expression on his face. He has 2 fists. He has shading everywhere, making him look quite painterly.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Series 8
Release date: 2002

Series 8 existed out of Super Saiyan Gohan (Babidi Saga), Daburah (Babidi Saga), Goku with halo (Great Saiyaman Saga), Videl & baby dino (Great Saiyaman Saga), and Super Saiyan Trunks & Super Saiyan Goten (Babidi Saga).
Again these came with Dragonballs and CTCG promo cards.
I have 4/5 of these.

Daburah has articulation on the shoulders, upper arms, head and legs. He is wearing his trademark outfit. He has an angry expression on his face and appears to be yelling. He comes with his sword which can be placed in his open left hand. His right hand is half curled, almost clawing or beckoning. The shading is great on this figure.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Goku with halo
Barcode: 069545437252
Goku has articulation on the shoulders, head, waist, legs and knees, although the large wings limits the movement on these somewhat. He is wearing his signature orange gi. He has a happy expression on his face and open hands. He has a halo, “floating” above him by a stick that sticks out of his hair. He has 2 large angel wings on his back, which are somewhat flexible. The shading is great on this figure, especially the wings are beautifully done and have lots of detail.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
Barcode: 069545437122
Videl has articulation on the shoulders. She also has articulation on her legs, but her shirt prevents these from moving too much. She also has articulation on her head, but again, due to her hair on her shoulders it can’t move much. She is wearing her training outfit of a long shirt, and still has her long hair. Her expression is stern. She has nice shading overal.
Under her feet is the marking. Under her left foot in raised font it reads: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under her right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin China.
She came with a baby dino; Chobi. He has no articulation and his markings on his bottom, which read the same.
Super Saiyan Trunks & Super Saiyan Goten
Barcode: 069545437153
Trunks has articulation on the shoulders, head and legs. He is wearing his trademark green gi and has a stern expression on his face. His hands are fists. He has nice shading everywhere.
On his back is the marking. It reads in a raised font: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ® Irwin China.
Goten has articulation on the shoulders, head and legs. He is wearing his trademark orange gi with long blue sleeves and also has a stern expression on his face. His hands are also fists. He has nice shading everywhere.
On his back is the marking. It reads in a raised font: © 02B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ® Irwin China.
Series 9
Release date: 2002
Series 9 existed out of Babidi (Babidi Saga), Pui Pui (Babidi Saga), Majin Buu (Majin Buu Saga), Hercule (World Tournament Saga) and Krillin (Great Saiyaman Saga).
Again these came with Dragonballs and CTCG promo cards.
I have 1/5 of these.

Majin Buu
Majin Buu has articulation on the shoulders and head. He also has articulation on his legs, but his pants hinders movement of these somewhat. He is wearing his signature outfit with the purple cape. He has a happy and slightly stern expression on his face and open hands. His pants are of a softer, more rubbery material, and can be squeezed. The shading is great on this figure, especially the pants. I bought him second hand so I do not have his accessory, Bee.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by FUN ® Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A.
Series 10
Release date: 2002

Series 10 existed out of Gotenks (Majin Buu Saga), Teen Gohan (Great Saiyaman Saga), Yamcha & Puar (Great Saiyaman Saga), Super Saiyan Vegeta with halo (Majin Buu Saga) and Yakon (Babidi Saga).
Interestingly Gohan is listed as a Super Saiyan which he is not.
Again these came with Dragonballs and CTCG promo cards.
I have 3/5 of these.

Yamcha & Puar
Barcode: 06954544313
Yamcha has articulation on the shoulders, elbows, head, legs and knees. He is wearing his yellow suit and has a happy expression on his face. His hands are open. His paint job doesn’t seem to have much shading like the other figures, but it isn’t really needed on this figure.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: © Licensed by FUN ® Irwin China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A.
He comes with Puar who has no articulation, nor marking. He has nice shading.
Super Saiyan Vegeta with halo
Vegeta has articulation on the shoulders, elbows, head, legs and knees. He is wearing his simple blue outfit with white gloves and boots. He has an angry expression on his face and looks like he’s shouting. His hands are open. He has some shading, most noticeable on his boots.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: Licensed by FUN ®. Irwin. China. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A.
Yakon has articulation on his shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, legs, feet and tail. He can also extend and retract the blades on his wrists. He is quite large compared to the other figures, keeping in scale with them. His hands are open and his legs bent. He’s quite top heavy, making him hard to pose. He has some shading, most noticable on his head and shoulders.
Under his toes is the marking. Under his left foot left toe in raised font it reads: Licensed by FUN ®. Then under his right toe it’s: Irwin. China. Under his right foot right toe in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A.
Series 11
Release date: 2002

Series 11, the last series, existed out of Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Majin Buu Saga), Evil Buu (Majin Buu Saga), Supreme Kai & Kibito (Majin Buu Saga), Bulma (Majin Buu Saga) and Super Saiyan Gohan (Majin Buu Saga).
Again these came with Dragonballs and CTCG promo cards.
I have 2/5 of these.

Evil Buu
Evil Buu has articulation on the head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips and ankles. He is wearing his trademark white majin pants, with a black vest, and yellow shoes and gloves. He has an angry expression on his face. His hands are fists.
Under his feet is the marking. Under his left foot in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under his right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin. China.
Bulma has articulation on the shoulders, head and midway her bent arm. She is wearing a short green dress and has a happy expression on her face. Her hands are open.
This figure has a very high gloss plastic look to it and seems more akin to series 3 Chi-Chi, which really feels like a step back. Possibly the figure was suppose to come out earlier, or was a left over prototype that finally got released, or maybe Irwin Toy was struggling, especially since they went bankrupt not long after.
Under her feet is the marking. Under her left foot in raised font it reads: ©02 B.S./S.T.A. Licensed by FUN ®. Under her right foot in raised font it reads: Irwin. China.

The Dragonballs were a nice size and had accurate colouring, being orange with red stars. As many as I bought though, I always ended up with the same ones. I couldn’t tell whether they were inserted random, or the same ones came with the same figures, but I never managed to get them all. I was unable to trade for the missing ones and sold off my doubles. I still wonder if they even made all seven.
Vehicles and Machines Playsets
Various Vehicles and Machines got made for the Action Figures. All in scale in which the figures could fit in.
There was a Nimbus, Rejuvenation Chamber, Time Machine, Sky Bike 341, Jet Momonga, One Wheel Bike, Air Bike 67, Stomp Cycle, Battle Suit, Hover Car and a Saiyan Pod.
Each vehicle came with a character. These were the same figures released as above, but with a metallic paint job or with gold Super Saiyan hair.
Out of these, I only have the Time Machine, and the Future Trunks figure that goes with the Hover Car.
Time Machine

This was sold in a big box with an exclusive Future Trunks figure, which is just a metallic re-paint of the Future Trunks from Series 3. Interestingly it was called a Time Capsule.
The Time Machine has lights and sound, and shoots off a rocket. It doesn’t shoot rockets in the show, but I guess it needed more action.
I got mine cheap second-hand of a friend from a Belgian market. It’s in terrible condition. The rocket is missing, and it makes no sound nor has light. The top “glass” half is also missing, and someone scribbled on the side. Still it’s cool to have, although I hope to get a better one one day.
The figures fit in perfectly, as demonstrated by my Future Trunks of series 3.
Hover Car

This was sold in a big box with an exclusive Future Trunks figure, which is just a metallic re-paint of the Future Trunks from Series 5. The Capsule Corp. Hover Car has real working head lights and authentic engine sound.
I got the figure only in a cheap lot.
I was a massive Dragonball fan at the time, and one of the first series I truly collected besides the Lion King. I spent all my pocket money on these, and harassed my family to go out to the bigger cities so I could buy these once I had saved up some.
I travelled almost weekly by train to Sittard to the Atomic comic bookshop to buy cards and these figures.
This was a time before internet, and we hunted for these figures in all the shops. Trading and selling on was a huge part of collecting, especially then, and it created some cool friendships.
I also played lots with these! The ones I was missing, my friend would have and vice versa (often shops only had 1 of each, and we both bought them). Dragonball was also a huge influence in my understanding of English. I played with these figures in English!, as they spoke English on tv. Kid logic?
The paint jobs in the later series were so unique to these figures as well. It almost made them look like from an entirely different line. Some I didn’t like though. Majin Vegeta looks skinny and kinda creepy, and the Trunks and Goten kids look super intense. But some are my favourites and look amazing! Especially the Great Saiyaman and angel Goku look really great. I do love these figures.
After 20 years, I acquired two more figures, Super Saiyan Vegeta with halo and Yakon, through a Dragonball group on Facebook. The first few that aren’t from my childhood! I later scored a cheap lot on eBay, adding Series 5 and Burter to my collection. Sadly Gohan was missing the cape (I didn’t realise he came with one as I always saw the gold hair version, and was excited to have found the yellow hair one) and Trunks is the metallic version (I’m not fussed about the “special” editions). Still, they were good prices so I can’t complain! Then I gained 4 more through a few cheap lots with other figures. Nappa, sadly with a broken and missing scouter, Piccolo, whom at the time my friend had gotten so I had missed out on him all this time, Super Saiyan Teen Gohan, with some paint damage, and Daburah. Again the price was good so not complaining to much about their state. I found another Gohan later, with cape this time, on eBay. He wasn’t in the best condition, but I scored him for 99p so I’m not complaining. I found Evil Buu in my favourite shop in Amsterdam for a good price. Hope to score the rest this way too.
As simple as they are compared to the figures now, these mean so much to me and are so nostalgic! I also like how they are somewhat in scale. I hope to one day get all 56.
Got any more details / information you think I should add? Or did I get something wrong? Do you own any of these figures? Which one is your fav? Do you agree or disagree with my findings? Let me know in the comments below!
Back when these action figures were being made, my sons were huge fans and I was as well. I bought them all of the old ab and new irwin and jakks. I did a lot of ebay buying back then, I remember when irwin went bankrupt someone listed andriod series 4 – Goku, Vegeta, Piccola, Andriod 17 & 18 up for auction after they bought the Toy Show or Hand Painted prototypes with no embossing on them. I have them put away but am interested in what they might be worth? Was wondering if you know who or where I could get a valuation done on them. Thanks in advance
Hi Richard,
They’re worth as much as someone is willing to pay for them. 😉
That said, you could ask fellow collectors in the FBgroup “Dragon Ball Vintage Collectors” or eBay sold listings.